I have GTX 750Ti and dont have directx 12.0, Why?

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  1. Posts : 15
    Thread Starter

    Geneo said:
    Your graphics card does not support all of the DirectX 12 functions. What you see is the level of directx your card can support, which is 11.0 . Some of the directx 12 features require hardware support, which your card doesn't have. Only Maxwell and beyond NVidia will show directx 12.

    Nothing you can do.

    GTX 750+ is Maxwell GPU
    Geneo said:
    I take that back.
    Geneo said:
    Consider this, here is what the Nvidia site says in the specs for cards and directx support:

    660 Ti: 12 API
    750 Ti 12 API
    970 says 12 API with Feature Level 12_1

    In other words even the 660 Ti says it supports the 12 API (meaning it will work with Directx 12 OS), but neither the 660 Ti or 750 Ti have any DirectX 12 feature level supported in hardware. The hardware support for these go up to Directx 11. The 970 supports feature set 12_1.

    So the article is incorrect.

    See for instance

    and particular the specifications here:


    OK thank you for help
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 7,252
    Windows 10 Pro 64-bit

    Yep, You need a 900 series card for complete DX12 support.
      My Computers


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