Your graphics card does not support all of the DirectX 12 functions. What you see is the level of directx your card can support, which is 11.0 . Some of the directx 12 features require hardware support, which your card doesn't have. Only Maxwell and beyond NVidia will show directx 12.
Consider this, here is what the Nvidia site says in the specs for cards and directx support:
660 Ti: 12 API 750 Ti 12 API 970 says 12 API with Feature Level 12_1
In other words even the 660 Ti says it supports the 12 API (meaning it will work with Directx 12 OS), but neither the 660 Ti or 750 Ti have any DirectX 12 feature level supported in hardware. The hardware support for these go up to Directx 11. The 970 supports feature set 12_1.
I am trying to buy some Telltale games from the MS Store, but it doesn't let me buy them as there is no green tick against the DirectX 11 requirement, even though I have DirectX 12 installed?
In this day and age how Microsoft can build such a bland and plain ugly interface as win 10 is beyond me
Sorry don't mean to start a flame war i guess some like it some dont
Anyway i need to know if ill run into any problems with win 10 as i...
Stardock Magazine has a really good piece on why DIRECTX 12 is a good thing, especially for gamers. Looks like you have to be registered at Stardock to see it unfortunately. But, one of the links in the article points to this Youtube video which...
Hello everybody !
I recently upgraded to windows 10 from 8.1 and got DirectX12 , but when i tried to install a game it automatically overwrote it with 11.2 . Because dx12 is exclusively for windows 10 I can't find anywhere an installer or...