I tried that and it missed my desktop beyond repair.
After searching I thought I'd give it another try and seems to be working fine now!
So here what I did:
Made a folder, put Setdpi.exe in it and created 2 text files as follow:
Rename Sset.txt to Sset.bat, right click edit, inserted the following command:
if exist 100.txt goto :Set200
SetDpi.exe 100
Ren 200.txt 100.txt
SetDpi.exe 200
Ren 100.txt 200.txt
Linked macro button on keyboard to run the Sset.bat file.
This will check if my dpi is 100 will switch to 200 and vice versa.
All in one button, I'm not CMD expert but it works.
And it will work as long as those three files are in one place.
Hope this help anyone having the same problem till we can find a proper solution.
Or hopefully MS will hire someone who actually knows how to code and fix it in their next 10 years update.
Thank you everyone, I'll keep this topic unsolved and open to more idea regarding this issue.
I'll be checking around :)