Using Multi- Monitors ( 3 - 6) - brief intro

  1. Posts : 11,246
    Windows / Linux : Arch Linux

    Using Multi- Monitors ( 3 - 6) - brief intro

    Hi there

    For those dabbling with more than 2 monitors this article is a good intro into the sort of hardware you'll need.

    The complete guide to multiple monitors | News | TechRadar

    It's actually not too expensive to set up if you want to use 3 / 4 or even 6 monitors.

    I got my 3 extra ones today -- I'm hoping to set up a Stock trading system this weekend (I know the markets are closed at the weekends but I've got some simulated trading software for testing !!!).

    Note - I'm not advocating the use of the hard / software referred to in the article but just trying to show what you physically NEED to get a load of monitors to work from a single PC which is usually the most confusing bit.

    Last edited by jimbo45; 02 Oct 2014 at 11:10.
      My Computer

  2.    #2

    Thanks for the link, Jimbo. I have it bookmarked to look at more closely when I have more time. Once I get my ADF relocated from my desk (will require a bit of carpentry), I'm planning on upgrading from my 22" monitor to three 24".
      My Computer


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