Nvidia geforce 525m custom drivers

  1. Posts : 5
    Windows 10

    Nvidia geforce 525m custom drivers

    Hey everyone,
    I just recently updated my old laptops OS from Win 7 to Win 10. Here are my specs:

    Laptop: Dell XPS L502X
    OS: Windows 10 Pro 64-bit(10.0, Build 19042.867)
    Memory: 8Gb

    I successfully managed to install custom drivers for my Intel HD Graphics 3000 from this page;

    Custom Driver : Intel HD Graphics 2000 3000 Extreme Plus -by nIGHmAYOR

    I then looked into updating my graphic card drivers, (Nvidia Geforce GT 525M, and what I found online was nVidia-FORCED-10x64-391.35 which is reportedly the final update for this graphic card. I tried installing the drivers on my system but got an error on the system check:

    Nvidia installer cannot continue: Required files are missing

    Would anyone be aware of why this is happening?

    Thank you
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 1,318
    Windows 10

    Long story short the driver you mention is non official so I suggest you use the following link to download official one :

    There is a slight problem though , if at any point you managed to install an Nvidia driver that is DCH your system will refuse to install older drivers that were non DCH and things get complicated .

    My advice is do not attempt to install drivers past your version as once windows goes DCH it will be difficult to go back .

    If all fail try to install the driver listed on your official Dell support page then upgrade it to the one up later .
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 5
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    Long story short the driver you mention is non official so I suggest you use the following link to download official one :
    That worked!

    I now have 391.35 - WHQL drivers.

    There is a slight problem though , if at any point you managed to install an Nvidia driver that is DCH your system will refuse to install older drivers that were non DCH and things get complicated .

    My advice is do not attempt to install drivers past your version as once windows goes DCH it will be difficult to go back .

    If all fail try to install the driver listed on your official Dell support page then upgrade it to the one up later .
    So you are recommending not to install any custom drivers? I was hoping to get more juice out of this old graphic card and access certain compatibilities that I think the system can perform on but doesn't have the driver support for.

    My impression is that an Intel HD graphics 3000 with a Nvidia Geforce GT 525M (all drivers updated) is quite capable of running opengl 3.3, but without official driver support for it after 3.1, I can't run any program requiring opengl 3.3.

    There were shady instructions on the net about using a mesa file to get around this issue but I would be very unwise to experiment with that, not fully aware of its intricacies.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 1,318
    Windows 10

    Hornetzero said:
    That worked!

    I now have 391.35 - WHQL drivers.

    So you are recommending not to install any custom drivers? I was hoping to get more juice out of this old graphic card and access certain compatibilities that I think the system can perform on but doesn't have the driver support for.

    My impression is that an Intel HD graphics 3000 with a Nvidia Geforce GT 525M (all drivers updated) is quite capable of running opengl 3.3, but without official driver support for it after 3.1, I can't run any program requiring opengl 3.3.

    There were shady instructions on the net about using a mesa file to get around this issue but I would be very unwise to experiment with that, not fully aware of its intricacies.
    1 - OpenGL version support is not related to driver but rather if chip contain the certain functions required , if it doesn't then the chip might glitch even if you managed to activate a higher OpenGL driver .

    2 - You can check your OpenGL version support using "OpenGL Extensions Viewer" , its a handy program that will even show you what functions the chip wont support if you pushed it to next GL level .

    3 - According to here the OpenGL level of your Nvidia GPU is 4.6 , you may just switch programs that require higher OpenGL capabilities to use your Nvidia via the Nvidia Control Panel accessible by right clicking your desktop background (Top Most Entry) then creating a profile for that program/game to use Nvidia than rather Intel for it .
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 5
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    Thank you very much NightMayor. You have been a great help and I greatly value your contributions on improving and supporting the technicalities for modern computers.
      My Computer


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