Custom Driver : Intel GMA 4500 M / MHD Extreme Plus 2 - by nIGHmAYOR
-Discontinued due to consuming time and hard work for minimal Rep appreciation-
-(Please do not Rep for revival, wont work)-
Intel GMA 4500 M / MHD Extreme Plus 2 (by nIGHTmAYOR)
Full Name : Intel (R) Graphics Media Accelerator Family
Version : (2869 Mod)
Rebranded : Intel (R) HD Graphics Family
Q : What's New in this version ?
A : Introduction of a new kernel code named 600 done by Intel yet was never used before in any of its drivers , the kernel is disabled by default and have to be activated through a batch file in Extra Tweaks folder . Also adding more stability for driver over DCH builds of Windows 10 .
1 - Make sure you have System Restore enabled before installation for safety
2 - Also it is recommended to have the latest mother board Bios installed
3 - No there are no expected crashes or hassles but if any occur do note you may need to consult forums on fixing Windows corruption than rather thinking the driver is corrupted
4 - Run the steps according to their exact numbers
5 - Always use run as Administrator to Run a step
6 - Starting step 1 the PC will restart so make sure you save all your work
7 - Folder : Extra Tweaks hold additional performance tweaks that are useless
8 - If you have already installed several other drivers and this one fail to install , a probable cause might be you need to remove previous drivers , if found to be hard try to update to Windows default driver (The WDDM) first
9 - A red dialogue should pop up to inform you that you are about to install an unsigned driver where you have to click install to that , it's what we are doing here anyways
10- Some Anti-Viruses have odd features called "Containment" or "Run Virtual" and sometimes these take control and setup the driver in a virtual machine like environment and not really install it (Example Comodo or Kaspersky) in all cases if you want to ease up your life just disable your Anti-Virus during setup , you can always scan the driver first just to make sure everything is clean and to note , this one shouldn't be hated by any Anti-Virus as it is constructed from all official files
11- When all steps are done make sure to enable Intel Control Panel through Right Clicking Desktop > Graphics Property or alternative translation
12- Enabling Tray Icon is accessible through : Right Clicking Desktop > Graphics Options or alternative translation
13- If you can't find Graphics Properties / Options do re-install the driver
14- It is better to make sure Intel Control Panel is set to the following :
3D > Custom Settings > Checked
3D > Texture Quality > Performance
3D > Anisotropic Filtering > Application Settings
3D > Vertex Processing > Default Settings
3D > Vertical Sync > Off
Power > Plugged In > Maximum Performance
15- That's it , you are done , dismissed
16- This driver was tested on Windows 10 1909 if a future release breaks it then do not nag for fix as you might hardly praise me if it works
>>DOWNLOAD v2.0<< (02/02/2020) Stable Edition
>>DOWNLOAD v2.1<< (03/03/2021) Supports : First Generation Graphics of Intel i Core Line of Processors (Beta)
****If you are into reading and history blahs read this :****
This is a decent port of the Intel (R) Graphics Media Accelerator 4500 MHD Driver for Windows 10 64 bit, while backward compatible with most other platforms (Except for XP) I have not tested it but on Windows 10 .
There are no plans to do follow ups nor fixes (nothing needs to be fixed really) as this is the final squeeze of the lemon to the driver that fixes all other glitches found in previous ports / accelerated version attempted for Windows 10 .
I am not a wizard , if you do not have 8 GBs of RAM you will still suffer accelerated the driver is or not . It does run well on 4 GBs of RAM but then do not ask much from it other than running basic games and normal tasks .
There is no 32 bit version as in this era staying with an OS that can only handle 3 GBs of RAM while the GPU itself require 1.759 GBs of shared memory meaning any attempt to use such platform is a joke .
You might think but isn't using an integrated graphics chip in 2019 a joke?!
Surprising this driver is capable of running most store games at 45 fps average , this isn't magic but apparently most of these games are optimized for tablet performance and tablets seem to not be very resourceful making their performance seeming equivalent to an integrated graphics chip .
This release has been a collaboration of work and thoughts of several developers including me like the guys behind PHDGD moded driver & IncrediblE where I attempted to break down their approaches and fix the leaks .
This release fix the following :
1 - OpenGL errors / games will not start because of OpenGL (from PHDGD)
2 - Windows crashing on resuming from Hibernation or Sleep (from IncrediblE)
3 - Absence of Intel Control Panel User Interface (by nIGHTmAYOR)
4 - Crashing SearchUI.exe when Cortana is Enabled (by nIGHTmAYOR)
5 - Upgrading to latest Control Panel v.2993 (by nIGHTmAYOR)
6 - Inclusion of Intel Turbo Booster & Display Audio (by nIGHTmAYOR)
7 - Mild Over-Clocking (from IncrediblE)
8 - Input Lag (by nIGHmAYOR)
9 - Registry Optimization for Gaming (from PHDGD)
10- Absence of Power Options support (by nIGHTmAYOR)
11- Not functioning change resolution / orientation in Intel Control Panel (by nIGHTmAYOR)
Known Issues :
1 - This driver will not run any game that requires graphics memory above 1.75 GBs (example Asphalt 9)
2 - Surprisingly this driver can operate games optimized for Nvidia and AMD better than the ones optimized for Intel as now intel is using moded version 9 of OpenGL and this driver version of OpenGL is 4 but still they will run normally
3 - Do not expect the unexpected , I can't make this piece of crap beat an Nvidia or an I9 , I am just giving you a smooth entry to Windows 10
4 - Glu games released past August 2018 may show Input Lag (of keyboard that can not be fixed because it is somehow deliberate despite their games running at 45 fps using this driver)
5 - As per Windows design on creating a new user you might need to re-install the driver to have accessibility to context menu and tray icon again (because somehow windows manage to do a silent re-installation of the driver without signature flag removed for no valid reason)
6 - Re-installing the driver further on can be a breath through device manager saved copy in drivers store , just click same driver installed and it will re-install
7 - There is something important I can't seem to remember that should be here
8 - And probably here
Special thanks to the guys behind PHDGD and IncrediblE , if it wasn't for your crappy drivers I wouldn't have to write my own and P.S Royal BNA driver has a trojan so I haven't used any of their blahs , the *******s ...
a. This is a driver I made for a toddler whose parents didn't want to buy him a real PC but persisted that I should help him with it , so yea there are a couple of drivers out there that can help it port to windows 10 but the problems they add are greater than the ones they solve . so anyways since I realized that , I decided to share the driver I made him with the rest of you in case someone come to need it .
b. Consider this driver a beta until someone reports back it gave him no problems
c. And no personal demands , I didn't like the project one bit .
F.A.Q :
Q - Does this driver work for Intel GMA 4500 M / Intel GMA X4500 / Intel GMA X4500 HD?
A - Yes , the X well before was how the GPU was named upon release then Intel changed it later to M , the 4500 M GPU has a speed of 400 MHz while the 4500 MHD GPU have a speed of 533 MHz but the rest of the chip functions all about the same , Intel even have the same driver listed for both .
Q - I have installed version 2.0 of your driver last year , what is new in driver 2.1 and should I install it ?
A - Nothing is new in driver 2.1 , just added more Hardware IDs for it to install for First Generation Graphics
of Intel i Core Line of Processors (Ex : I3-### , i3-###M , i5-### , i5-###M , i7-### , i7-###M)
* This was "Per Demand" of a forum user who stated it worked for him with no guarantees it might for you
nor me planning to answer questions like "I have a bicycle will it work for me ?" as I don't know .
Q - Would Mild Over-Clocking mentioned ruin my CPU over time ? I wouldn't use a decade old PC if i could buy another !
A - This GPU in particular is locked for overclocking , however I found that the guys behind IncrediblE were able through a trick increase its voltage by 0.1 volt (mild over-clocking) , this in particular introduce a performance gain = to 2~3% and temperature increase = to 0.5~1C , while this is quite negligible I still managed to include it as every squeeze for performance gain count in such severe case of a relic GPU . For those skeptical I managed to include a registry file in a folder named "Extra Tweaks" to disable it so i suggest you do since you are so much worried .
Q - I Have 4 GBs of RAM and when I play a certain game I get booted out somewhere in the middle is there a fix ?
A - If by now you haven't noticed my quote here :
Then please notice it now , this is not 2008 any more , Windows 10 can be memory hungry and even the GPU require shared memory of 1.759 GBs how do you expect all that add up when you are playing a serious game ? Luckily early generation DDR3 and also DDR2 Rams depending on your board support are now being sold for a fraction of its price back in the days , and is guaranteed to give you good performance on Windows 10 as the majority of the users who has it stated .I am not a wizard , if you do not have 8 GBs of RAM you will still suffer accelerated the driver is or not . It does run well on 4 GBs of RAM but then do not ask much from it other than running basic games and normal tasks .
Q - I bought a game that would not run or crash because i am using this driver , can you fix it ?
A - Most likely the game you are running is dedicated for a different OpenGL version or DirectX one , this GPU hardware supports only OpenGL 2.1 and DirectX 9.0c games / apps and you can't ask from a hardware more than it can give (Well you can but usually the hardware eventually breaks or slow down but this is beyond the scope or the intention of this driver) , if however you are absolutely sure the game matches the driver's OpenGL level your next bus stop should be developers' customer support / forum as sometimes they black list certain GPUs by Device ID on Windows 10 due to removal of OpenGL support on the officially released W.D.D.M driver that installs by default by Windows making it impossible for their games to run so they just ban it from working on such hardware and call it today sadly so not to answer to zillion support requests as to why it is not running for victims of the W.D.D.M drivers .
Q - Should I really upgrade this old tech or save the money for new one ?
A - This is an economical question only you can answer , depending weather if there is another family member who can benefit from this PC if you upgrade or in case saving for new process might take a while or you may need a backup PC for in the future to test or whatever .
Q - Are there any other tips recommended to boost this PC performance even more ?
A - There are only two I can think of , first is to update your IDE/ATAPI Controller driver in device manager to something other than the generic one Windows provide which may maximize data bandwidth rate and may boost Windows performance in general , also there is an ancient tool named SetFSB which can boost the bus speed by a margin leading to an over all marginal better performance , also pausing / disabling windows restore while playing a game may improve play dramatically but techs do not like to advice it because who knows what may happen .
Q - Why am I having errors preventing me from installing the driver , says not signed or similar ?
A - All installation errors should be fixed if you right click the batch files and run them as Administrator , Windows 11 errors as well , it is even hinted in the batch files name so I do not know what else to do to let users realize this .
Q - Are the 4shared download links down ? Please revive !
A - . the 4shared download links are never down , some countries however ban 4shared website as I have heard because some people use it to upload pirated movies / games etc . In that case do not question the validity of the links before trying out the links using a VPN and test first .
Last edited by nIGHTmAYOR; 1 Week Ago at 06:25.