Here is my little problem. I got a GTX 1660 and two 27" display connected to my desktop computer via DP.

Display #1 is at left, #2 at right.

I also use occasionally #1 for my laptop (on left) installed on a docking station via HDMI. When it is the case and that my desktop goes in screen saver mode, it requires me to log on on display 1.... which is being used by my laptop. I have to change the input of my display from HDMI to DP to be able to enter my credentials. Even if I rearrange the display order #2-#1 instead of #1-#2 in the settings, it always ask me to log on on the left one.

I hope that I am clear. Any solution to avoid this? Or a way to set display #2 (right one) to log on?