Slight screen Flicker
I recently updated to a 4K UHD monitor. I have two other Acer 1080p monitors hooked into the same graphics cards. I randomly get a slight faint flicker in both the 1080p monitors. I've tried various methods to narrow it down but I'll try to mention all that I've tried. I'm really hoping it's a setting and not a faulty card. I've attempted thus far:
Doing an in place upgrade to just basically reinstall windows and not lose all your programs and settings
I've performed the latest Win 10 updates
I've upgraded the Nvidia Card driver and tried both the game driver and studio driver.
I've tried an older Nvidia driver
I've tried replacing the PC display cables and trying a different port on the back of the card
I've tried replacing the monitor with another monitor laying around.
I've tried recording it to see if my eyes are going buggy and can't seem to get it on a phone, nor can I obtain it off a screen recording program such as the one that comes with GeForce Experience
I've tried making sure the card is set in place in the PCI express lane
I'm leaning on this is a setting within Windows Display and or Nvidia Control panel? I was hoping it was a refresh rate problem, but the 4k monitor is the only one that I can change and can only go down from 60Hz. The 1080p monitors only have 60Hz.
I do mainly notice the issue in Photoshop being a designer, and taking advantage of the three monitors, I thought possibly that spreading a program across two different resolutions might have an effect? I main put the tool panels on the 1080p monitor and edit on the 4k. Is this possible?
Any and all suggestions is greatly appreciated! I guess I didn't think too much into when I made the purchase, I didn't think it would cause such issues.