Watch out for Nvidia GSOD on Build 17763.107
I just converted my production PC from the plain-vanilla 1809 release to Insider Preview with updates, drivers and hotfixes only, because that's apparently how we keep up-to-date on MS fixes until a new blessed 1809 release finally emerges. So I just updated my Nvidia GeForce Driver to 416.81 and as it was finishing up the install, it threw a GSOD with Exception_not-handled as the stopcode and the nvidia driver as the culprit. I've been through this before, and believe it's a bug with the installer not with the driver. When the machine reboots, the new driver works just fine. Also Reliability Monitor shows that the reboot is coming from a bugcheck and it doesn't get charged against the reliability index. Weird, but benign as far as I can tell.
Just a heads up.
PS: wrote a blog post about this pseudo-update process this morning. Here's the link: 1809 Users Missing Critical Fixes - Windows Enterprise Desktop