Tutorial: How to change Windows 10 "default" resolution
I have stumble upon a strange problem when my Monitor is off, Windows back to default 1024x768 resolution, when i turn on the monitor, resolution is OK, but windows positions and sizes are messed up from the previous resolution.
This is happening because some monitors power off completely and don't send signal to the PC so Windows is changing to "simulated" monitor with the default resolution of 1024x768 pixels.
While there is some fixes for older Windows versions, nothing have seems to work for Windows 10. So here is a tutorial on how to change the default 1024x768 resolution in Windows 10:
1. Open "Regedit" and navigate to "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\GraphicsDrivers\Configuration\SIMULATED_10DE_13 C2_00000001_00000000_1300^6C7185C1F893FF6C2863DDD8BF5E4ABF\00"
2. Change the "" and "" to your desired values of resolution. Note that it must be changed in "demicial"
3. Then go to the second "00" and change "DwmClipBox.bottom" and "DwmClipBox.right", "" and "", "" and ""
4. That's it, now your windows sizes and positions won't bug when you turn off the monitor.
For more details you can read this topic at: Windows 7 movesresizes windows on monitor power cycle - Microsoft Community