settings screen not movable

  1. Posts : 3
    win 10

    settings screen not movable

    the settings screen does not go away.The top half is all I get and it is fixed at the bottom of the main screen. restart does not help.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 45,607
    Win 10 Pro (22H2) (2nd PC is 22H2)

    Hi, please follow the usual basic diagnostic steps:

    1. Do you have system restore enabled and do you have any relevant restore points?
    2. Try creating another user account for test purposes and try this when logged in as that user.
    If you see the same, it's probably Windows corruption. If you don't, it's probably related to your user profile.
    The difference will dictate what steps follow.
    3. Do you see the same in Safe Mode when logged in as your original user?
      My Computers

  3. Posts : 3
    win 10
    Thread Starter

    settings screen fixed, half on half off screen

    this was a much longer, angrier post which was lost by tenforums. yes I can get the whole settings screen now, but it is very reluctant to latch onto a window so I can move it.This slippery window problem affects almost all windows. I am going to send now before Iose this too.
    By the way, the windows are quite pretty. I wish they worked better.
    I notice the many problems brought up in tenforums and wonder how it is that 2 (?) years after release there are still major problems. I didn't pay $120 to get a beta-test version.

    Lost material:
    Thanks for your reply Dalchina,
    I'm sorry to sound so irate, but it's because I am irate. I had a perfectly good OS in win 7, then I got suckered into "upgrading" to win 10. I even paid $120!
    After this I have had nothing but problems. Really too many to list. Right now I am paralysed with the problem I posted to tenforums. I cannot create another user because the dialog I need is off the screen and cannot be brought into it. I cannot even send you a PM because I am incessantly being badgered by grammarly. (Guess what app is going to be removed as soon as I finish here) Used to be in win 7 that if I wanted to restart in safe mode, there was a menu option to do that, even a fast key. This is outrageous!
    I am spending hours trying to solve this problem. I do not plan to spend hours doing quality control for win 10. I just want a reliable OS that doesn't have so many bells and whistles, any one of which stops me in my tracks for hours. Also, no way to actually access "system-square-plus-arrow" because any way out of this dialog leads only to commercials. I'm sorry. I know you work for MS and I know you are probably not responsable for this abortion of an OS, so please do not think I am attacking you personally, but win 10 is lousy. What recourse do I have?. Sue MS? Right!
    Win 7 was the best version of windows ever. Why did you have to mess with it?

    Here are the improvements I got with win 10:

    constant reminders about how great win 10 is (thanks, Microsoft!)
    overall: like MOLASSES
    1. settings screen frozen and unusable, now partially solved, but slow and slippery windows
    2. lost all my win 7 games for microsoft solitaire collection which constantly interrupts me to offer unnecessary and unwanted advice, plus sales pitches
    3. all the screensavers I wrote 2 decades ago do not work properly -- another forum post which just told me that VS 2008 and windows 7 are no longer to be "supported"
    4. unable to change lock screen picture. The original one I had is not in the list of available
    (blue tropical scene with catamaran)
    5. I cannot remove grammarly. I selected it & uninstalled. no longer on list of installed but it sill works in the background and still annoys the heck out of me. (I'm going to try restarting after uninstalling)
    other problems -- too many to list.

    Look, Dalchina
    All I want is an OS that works. I am a writer and I am terrified I will one day lose important work. I have to put all my stuff on USB drives.
    4. I find that when I post to some forums my posts sink without trace.
    I want to have windows 7 back.


    I sincerely want to go back to win 7. Seriously!
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 11
    Windows 10 Pro

    That is one angry post, but first off I on behalf of all here would like to clarify that TenForums is not an official forum for MS. This is a forum where people from everyday walks of life help each other out.

    From the TOS

    INFORMATION ABOUT US is a site operated by Designer Media Limited, ("We"). We are registered in England and Wales under company number 06879415
    The content on our site is provided for general information only. It is not intended to amount to advice on which you should rely. You must obtain professional or specialist advice before taking, or refraining from, any action on the basis of the content on our site.
      My Computers

  5. Posts : 3
    win 10
    Thread Starter

    I am not attacking the members of this forum at all, I was just frustrated by losing a day of work. I have used several forums for Windows 7, win 10, Visual Studio etc and have always appreciated the helpfulnes of their contributors.
    Many of my complaints were caused by a single defect, what I called the slippery window, and SLOW overall transitions between apps. It was not initially apparent to me that everything was due to a single problem.
    Nonetheless, I would appreciate help with the fundamental problem mentioned before and with the overall slowness.
    I should note that I did send another post clarifying the problem, and apologising for my apparent annoyance, ( but I do not believe I was too intemperate.) Now I write my post in full in notepad and cut and paste to the forum.
    That way all my posts get posted without being truncated/ lost. I also mentioned that I will run several antivirus/antispyware apps and try to get into the registry to look at the \software\microsoft\windows\current version\ key and report back as needed. It is fatal to try to look something up while writing a post!
      My Computer


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