Windows 10. Non of the commands works since i CANNOT boot to window even. Time to reinstall window. Thx for the help
Windows 10. Non of the commands works since i CANNOT boot to window even. Time to reinstall window. Thx for the help
If you boot from a Win 10 install disk and boot from it you can get to options like System Restore.
You also have the option of restoring a backup copy of your registry.
The way to give yourself a second chance and to recover even if your system disk fails, say, is to routinely use disk imaging as we so often recommend. Even if your PC becomes unbootable you can then restore an image from your disk image set and be up and running perhaps in under an hour without technical help.
E.g. Macrium Reflect (free) + external storage for your disk image sets - which also act as backups for your files.