Win 10 keeps freezing

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  1. Posts : 21
    Windows 10

    Win 10 keeps freezing

    Windows 10
    8GB Ram-64 bit

    Please advise what other specs I should post. After last update on 9-14-17 computer works great until I actually try to do something. For example, I ran a software program that converts video files. This program usually works very quickly, but yesterday, it took around 12 hours to do what would have normally taken less than an hour. The bigger problem is trying to copy files from my C drive to an external HD. The copy process seems to start, but then freezes on anywhere between 0 & 2 percent.My computer is completely non-functional, and I'm trying to run a business. I don't even know where to begin. I've been researching for solutions for days, and everything I find is so incredibly complicated, I just can't believe that Microsoft would release these updates that cause such problems. Any guidance much appreciated.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 21
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    Did I post something stupid? No ideas? If I need to restate my post or something, please advise. I was hoping to get help here. Thanks again.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 31,177
    Windows 10 (Pro and Insider Pro)

    Hi metrov and welcome to Tenforums.

    Check Task manager for start to see what is slowing down computer (CPU, memory or disk activity).
    Then check device manager, if there are any yellow exclamation marks.

    You can post pictures here. Copy part of the screen that shows appropriate information and pasting it into answer windows.

    your question is quite general and one discrepancy in your post: installed updates on 14-9-17 and searching for days... 14.9 was yesterday
      My Computers

  4. Posts : 21
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    Yes, I was having problems before the update... actually I hadn't had this particular machine on for awhile, so upon booting at the beginning of the week, it started doing a series of updates. I was hoping the last one on the 14th would fix everything, but alas, no. I will post my reports when I get back to my home office. Thanks so much, AndreTen!
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 21
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    1 -- Ctrl-Alt-Delete to pull up Task Manager gives error message in image, plus turns screen black. In other words, couldn't open Task Manager. I was able to "esc."
    Win 10 keeps freezing-error_9_15_17web.jpg
    2 -- No yellow exclamation marks in Device Manager.

    I'm hoping the error msg is related to the lagging issue. It took over an hour to copy 1GB from hd to ext hd... something that usually takes no time at all. Thanks so much for the help.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 31,177
    Windows 10 (Pro and Insider Pro)

    Sorry, it's late here. But this doesn't sound good.

    Restart machine and try task manager again (right click on taskbar and select Task manager)
    Win 10 keeps freezing-image.png

    Perhaps it would be god idea to download Malwarebytes and run it to check against malware.
      My Computers

  7. Posts : 3,057
    Windows 10 Pro for the Bro

    Agreed. That screen shot of that message that you attached does not look like a valid Microsoft message. If there's an OK button on a message window, Microsoft will not state to "press Esc".

    Definitely scan your computer for viruses.
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 21
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    I scanned my machine using McAfee LiveSafe which came with Win 10. No viruses found. After scan, machine seemed to be running great. Again, I tried copying large file folder from C Drive to Ext HD. It was going great until it reached 19% then simply stopped. I was able to open Task Manager, and nothing appears to be eating up CPU (total: 4%) or Memory (total 20%). Everything else now running very slow again machine-wide. Thanks again for the help.
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 2,487
    Windows 10 Home, 64-bit

    Have you done a scan with Malwarebytes? Or with any anti-virus prog other than the dreaded McAfee?

    Look at your processes in Task Manager. Anything there that causes you to say "what the hell is that"?

    Have you tried copying to that external via some other port?

    Have you considered reverting to some prior state, as with Windows System Restore or perhaps a previously saved image file?

    Have you done anything to check the health of your hard drives?
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 2,487
    Windows 10 Home, 64-bit

    That error message appears to be legit:

    Microsoft Community
      My Computer


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