how to search keywords inside a docx document??

  1. Posts : 272

    how to search keywords inside a docx document??

    I mean. I have many many docx documents under a directory. I can remember there is one keywords in the lines of the document, but I don't know which document it is. And the filename does not contain the keyword. How can I find out which document it is among many docx files

    For example. I've got 100 files and their filenames are 1.docx 2.docx 3.docx ..... 100.docx

    and I know in one of the files there are keywords "Happy", but I don't know which file it is, but I don't want to go over each file and search for it otherwise ti will be very painful
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 2,487
    Windows 10 Home, 64-bit

    I don't use it, but I thought the standard Windows search capability would do that, if you had indexing turned on.

    Have you tried it--or any other tool?
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 155
    windows 10 acer laptop

    Have a look here
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 2,487
    Windows 10 Home, 64-bit

    dafydd said:
    Have a look here
    That's a fabulous tool and the only search tool I use.

    But it finds file names only. Not words within files----unless the newer versions have that capability.


    Hmm....maybe it will. The current help file says:

    Content Searching

    Warning: content searching is extremely slow.
    File content is not indexed.

    So I don't know how well it works in practice for file contents--compared to the Windows tool.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 17,089
    Windows 10 Home x64 Version 22H2 Build 19045.4894


    1. Open File explorer
    2. Go to your C:\Users\YourUserName\Documents folder
    3. If you know that all the relevant docx files are within, say, C:\Users\YourUserName\Documents\AllMyStuff then go to that folder but otherwise just stay at C:\Users\YourUserName\Documents
    4. In the upper-right of the File explorer window [inline with the folder address bar] you will see another box, an entry box, showing Search Documents {or whatever is the name of the folder you are in}.
    5. Type your search term Happy in there. You do not need to use any special syntax, just enter the search term.
    6. You will see the search starting to give returns even while you are still typing out Happy.
    7. The search includes all subfolders.

      My Computer

  6. Posts : 272
    Thread Starter

    dafydd said:
    Have a look here

    unnecessary . windows itself done. thanks anyway.
      My Computer


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