DPI settings over 125% produce smaller fonts in some situations.

  1. Posts : 152
    Windows 10 Pro x64

    DPI settings over 125% produce smaller fonts in some situations.

    I needed fonts on my 24" monitors to be a little larger for my aging eyes. So I settled on 135%. One consequence of doing this is that some fonts are smaller now. A good example is Task Manager. Other examples are some message boxes. It appears when you go over 125% DPI this font weirdness happens.

    First off, does anyone else notice the smaller fonts and if so is there a way to make them bigger? I played around with High DPI Awareness in the registry but can't get larger fonts for those things affected. Perhaps the Creators Update will address this.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 71,989
    64-bit Windows 11 Pro for Workstations
      My Computers

  3. Posts : 152
    Windows 10 Pro x64
    Thread Starter

    Brink said:
    Unfortunately the Anniversary Update got rid of the menu to change the font sizes as your tutorial shows. This presumably is because MS doesn't want the user to change the UI, at least not easily.

    I changed the message box font size in the Registry but it didn't work. It's probably a leftover from the font menu and not tied to anything. Some message box fonts are fine btw. As I said, the most notable example of using a DPI > 125% is Task Manager where the font is even smaller than when I had my DPI at 125%. I know Windows 10 CU has some DPI enhancements so I'm hoping my problems get fixed.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 71,989
    64-bit Windows 11 Pro for Workstations

    Using the .reg files in the tutorials to change the text size still work, but you may need to play with larger sizes until you find one that looks best for you.
      My Computers


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