Windows doesn't remember "sort by" folder settings

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  1. Posts : 31
    Windows 10 v1809

    Now, entering the correct command, I received the value of 5000. I deleted the two keys via Regedit and restart pc, but this still does not memorize Author and Subject even combining the deletion of keys with the Shift+Header tip.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 989
    Microsoft Windows 10 Home

    Sorrymyen said:
    Now, entering the correct command, I received the value of 5000. I deleted the two keys via Regedit and restart pc, but this still does not memorize Author and Subject even combining the deletion of keys with the Shift+Header tip.
    Damn! Before you open too many folders, can you check the HKCU\...\Bags registry key? You sholuld only have a few numbered subkeys depending on how may folders you've opened. Export that key & post the export in a code block or as an attachment. Let me take a look at the Sort values..
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 31
    Windows 10 v1809

    There are some, but not as many subkeys as before, because I did some tests after the reboot.


      My Computer

  4. Posts : 989
    Microsoft Windows 10 Home

    Sorrymyen said:
    There are some, but not as many subkeys as before, because I did some tests after the reboot.


    Thanks. Will take a look at those later today. Sorry can't get to right away.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 31
    Windows 10 v1809

    I was going to say the same thing, it's in my work schedule, so see you soon.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 989
    Microsoft Windows 10 Home

    Here's what was in the registry files you posted. The only sort set to 'Title' was the DVD-RW drive. Had you set other folders to Title or Author?

    PS C:\> gci $xBagMRU -recurse | ? Property -contains 'NodeSlot' |
    >>          gp |select NodeSlot, {Get-NSPath $_.PSPath } |sort nodeslot
    NodeSlot Get-NSPath $_.PSPath
    -------- ---------------------
           1 Quick Access ϗ
           2 This PC\DVD RW Drive (E:)\crvg2010\2 - VID
           3 This PC\RECOVERY (D:)\crvg2010\1 - SIS
           4 This PC\RECOVERY (D:)\ACERVO
          11 This PC\RECOVERY (D:)\ACERVO\CORDELTECA\Antônio Ferreira da Cruz
          13 This PC\DVD RW Drive (E:)\crvg2010\2 - VID\LEZ
    PS C:\> gci $xbags -Recurse | ? Property -contains Sort |
    >>      gp | select @{ N = 'Bag' ; E = {$_.PSPath.Split('\')[10]}}, { Parse-Sort $_.Sort } | Sort {[Int]$_.Bag}
    Bag  Parse-Sort $_.Sort
    --- --------------------
    1   (QA Sort),Name
    2   Title
    3   Name
    3   Name
    4   Name
    5   Name
    6   Name
    7   Name
    8   Name
    9   Name
    12  Name
    13  Name
    14  Name
    WIll copy the Sort from Bag#2 to one of my folders tomorrow & see if it works.
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 31
    Windows 10 v1809

    There is an RW recording unit, but it is inactive and damaged, under the label (G:). Unit (E:) is an internal hdd used as slave.
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 989
    Microsoft Windows 10 Home

    OK. Valuable feedback. First time I've merged & decoded someone else's MRU list. I think root-levle items are using the names from my system (The Greek letter in Quick Access, D: Recovery, E: DVD-RW). Bukt the drive letters are correcct, right?
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 31
    Windows 10 v1809

    Only "D:" and "E:" are correct.
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 989
    Microsoft Windows 10 Home

    Exactly -- the drive letters are correct, but it's picking up my local labes for those dirves. I know those aren't my directory names!
      My Computer


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