This is how to post a screenshot of Disk Management. We need to see the structure of your drive. This is important. Thanks.
Disk Management - How to Post a Screenshot of Windows 10 General Tips Tutorials
I;ve just realised my awful mistake...this isn't the pc i thought i had bought...ouch!!
ASUS VivoBook L403 14 Laptop - Grey | eBay
I see. So what are you going to do now? I need to mention to you, it is highly unusual for someone to want to copy a 138GB file (whatever it's contents) into a hidden system folder. Very unusual. I really do not have any interest whatsoever in what it is or why, but, obviously, you cannot copy 136GB into 57GB. What you say now about it being 0% free is worrisome, and I believe it may be the result of your attempt to copy and it ran out of space. If you can you should try to find the folder you were trying to copy in the Appdata /roaming folder and delete the folder. 0% free is a serious condition and can prevent you from booting.
Again, what are you going to do now? Is this thread now of no use? I will keep watching it, but there's nothing I can do for you if you have the wrong machine.
I deleted it, and emptied recycle bin. Am now wondering if it might be possible to run appdata off an external hard drive...
Oh my poor eyesight let me down there I'm afraid...I was looking at a 2TB just before I changed my mind and bought that one.
I've never heard of that being done. Maybe someone else can answer that. Appdata local/local low/roaming are system folders assigned to your user ID and contain both system required data and app required data. Moving them to an external.....I really don't know if that would work.
Someone else may have an answer. Sorry.
I would guess the question now is why put it into a System Folder at all? As far as I can tell the AppData Folder is only for data an application/program would put there, not for the User.
Still unanswered:
What are these files that total 140 GB?
... and ...
Why do you want to move them to the Roaming folder?
Some programs store data in AppData\Roaming. I've installed one that put nearly 10GB there - 2,729 files, 306 folders. (Not where I would have put the data, but the vendor forgot to ask me. :)) You don't always have control over such things. 140GB seems a bit excessive, but so does 10GB.