Schedule wake up from sleep (not using task scheduler)

  1. Posts : 5
    windows 10 tablet

    Schedule wake up from sleep (not using task scheduler)

    HiI have tried using windows task scheduler to sleep and wake up at different times but it does not work. I am using a Linx 1010 tablet. Windows 10Would anyone know if there any third party app, or any other way to do this task?Many thanks
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 5,477

    What did you try? This for example? How to Make Your PC Wake From Sleep Automatically
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 5
    windows 10 tablet
    Thread Starter

    Hi. yes, that is what I tried with task scheduler
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 5,477

    DarraghBurke said:
    Hi. yes, that is what I tried with task scheduler
    Well I will give it a go.

    It may take me a while.

    It is the wake-up you are interested in right? Or you have a problem with shutdown as well?
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 5
    windows 10 tablet
    Thread Starter


    Putting it to sleep didnt work either. More interested in wake up though.

    Depending on your os/device it may work for you, as mentioned im trying on Linx 1010 tablet
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 5,477

    lx07 said:
    It may take me a while.
    OK I tried but it didn't work.

    This is the history...

    Schedule wake up from sleep (not using task scheduler)-capture.png

    Perhaps it just isn't possible (perhaps it is because I need a fingerprint to resume from sleep and perhaps you have some similar biometric required).

    Why do you want to do it?

    I'll try if you have a decent reason - it seems a odd thing to want to do (sorry to say that).

    It could be HTG are just wrong and it is impossible of course.
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 5
    windows 10 tablet
    Thread Starter

    Thanks for trying.

    I use the tablets for a business I have and only have remote access to them, I would like to turn the tablets off at night or put to sleep to cause less damage to the battery. So would be great to have something to put to sleep and wake up automatically
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 5,477

    You are welcome, sorry it didn't work.

    Surely you can just schedule them to sleep (or just turn off the screen). They will wake up if someone prods them (although being already awake and visible may be your issue).

    Worst case, don't worry about battery - just leave them on. You'll buy new ones before the battery dies.
      My Computer


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