Font Problem after update. Some Fonts are not working.

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  1. Posts : 11
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    I don't have it, It's been more than 10 days.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 182
    Win 10 rs1 - build 14393.1944

    Here is something that maybe will help you out. First you must rebuild your font case again - and follow my lead here:

    Font Problem after update. Some Fonts are not working.-ashampoo_snap_2017.08.30_new.png

    When you copy your rebuild font folder and place it on your Desktop, you have a copy of all your fonts in working order.
    Keep that for evt. later use! From your first post, you say everything was OK after rebuilding the font case - therefor make
    copy at this point. Hope this will do.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 11
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    Berton said:
    One thing to point out, some/most/all Fonts can be called from a different location such as a second partition or external USB drive. Those will only be usable while the computer is still running, rebooting won't again show them correctly. Only cure I have found for that was to locate where they were saved, Install each Font and allow copying to the Font Folder.
    I think that is what's going on in my case, those fonts that are giving me problems are symlinks, the actual files are in another drive.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 8
    Windows 10

    I had a similar problem with Illustrator. I reinstalled the software, and it fixed the problem. Have you tried to update the Corel, or do you have the latest version? (if there's such possibility, i used corel for a short time when i studied, so i don't know much about it)
    I hope you will find the solution.
      My Computer


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