Tips on organizing the Document Folder

  1. Posts : 1
    Windows 10 Home

    Tips on organizing the Document Folder

    I have Windows 10 Home, and I noticed a lot of apps like to save configuration and other data files in the Documents Folder. Personally, I feel that they should be stored in a different location under the current user's folder. (For example, under C:\Users\User\AppData). Is there a way to tell Windows 10 that applications should save these files somewhere else? It just makes the Documents Folder look messy. How have you handled this? I'm looking for tips, ideas, suggestion, best practices, etc for organizing and/or separating legitimate documents from application data so that User data and documents are easier to sync and back up.
      My Computers

  2. Posts : 45,448
    Win 10 Pro (22H2) (2nd PC is 22H2)

    I've posted on this 3 or 4 times here.

    I regard Documents, Videos etc as 'their' Documents, 'their' Videos. Desktop programs often create work or storage space in those default library folders.

    1. Store your data not on C: but on another drive or partition. Why? Separate OS maintenance and reinstallation from your data.
    2. Define your own folders.
    3. If you wish, add them to the libraries, or create your own new library.

    Don't feel limited to what MS provides by by default.

    You may wish to search the Tutorial section for related tutorials.
      My Computers


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