Small problem with photos
I have been taking pics of my water and electric meters at the saem time of day for the last six days to prove to the compnies what I am using according to their meters which I think are over reading.
Now I have a folder with the water meter in it and one with the electric meter in it . The water folder I can arrange the pics in order of date that I took them (I use snips to use only minimal data) using the small blue file options in the bottom right hand corner and in ascending order. But the electric folder it will not do this it lists the first four by ascending order but the last two days lists the snips as yesterday and now today.
Why cannot I get the electric folder to work the same as the water one as both were set up on the same day.
I did try making a new folder and then copy paste the pics to it in order but they are all over the place.
Perhaps it is something that I am doing wrong so any help would be appreciated as I am rather pedantic in how these things are set up - neatly an din sequence only as I date the snips using paint anyway.