Modifiers getting 'stuck' on tablet

  1. Posts : 12

    Modifiers getting 'stuck' on tablet

    I have a problem where sometimes a modifier will get 'stuck'. So the OS thinks that the alt, windows, control, or shift (or some combination thereof) is held down when it is not. This occurs seemingly at random, even when I have not pressed those buttons for some time. By hovering with the stylus I can see which modifiers are held by the tooltip that shows up. Plus I can see the difference in behaviour.

    I have tried to fix it by opening a touch keyboard and pressing the buttons to unstick them, but it didn't work (even tried switch to different kinds of touch keyboards). The only way that I have found to solve having a modifier stuck is to restart.

    Now this may be voodoo, but I suspect it's to do with my tablet having a keyboard dock with exposed pins (like a surface, this tablet is a cube mix plus by the way). I suspect it's because the pins get shorted or something. Maybe that's not a realistic idea, it's just a hunch. I am not sure how to disable it in device manager - I see the GPIO dock mode and slate indicator drivers?

    I have also had it before toggle settings like rotation lock.

    Thanks for any help.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 33,681
    10 Home x64 (22H2) (10 Pro on 2nd pc)

    One thing to check: go to the 'Ease of Access Center' in Control Panel, under 'Make the keyboard easier to use' make sure that 'Sticky keys' is turned off.
      My Computers

  3. Posts : 12
    Thread Starter

    To my understanding that's not what sticky keys does, but regardless they are turned off :)
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 12
    Thread Starter

    For example just now I was drawing in an art program, I had not touched the touch keyboard in quite some time, when suddenly my cursor shows the alt and win keys are held down. I cannot open the touch keyboard (it immediately closes). I cannot save-as (cannot open the keyboard). Unable to type, and my touch input limited to 'alt click', I restart.

    I have seen no obvious pattern, any help would be great.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 1
    Window 10

    Facing same issue ?? Have u found any solution to it ???
      My Computer


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