One Drive Is Driving Me Crazy. I Do Not Want It.

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  1. Posts : 1,811
    W7 Ultimate SP1 (64 bit), LM 19.2 MATE (64 bit), W10 Home 1703 (64 bit), W10 Pro 1703 (64 bit) VM

    DeaconFrost said:
    It's painful to go back and work on a Windows 7 machine now. It isn't about Windows 10 being a bad's about users not willing to learn something new.
    It's a waste of time putting up with MS' stupid penchant for renaming/moving things and then giving up when the job is 50% done (Control Panel/Settings debacle has been a work in progress for the last 5 years).

    After learning MS' pointless changes, I still can't type any additional documents, listen to extra music or watch extra videos in W10, compared to W7.

    The whole aim of this ridiculous exercise was to encourage people to buy Windows Phones and that has been a total failure.

    IMO, saying the "W10 is better than W7" is like saying "Macs are easier to use than Windows".

    DeaconFrost said:
    Do people complain when they buy a new car and have to adjust to it's feel and dashboard layout?
    They would if the manufacturer was stupid enough to put the gauges in the boot and the switches under the bonnet.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 18,476
    Windows 11 Pro

    lolo1943 said:
    Personally, I don't really care what OS anyone uses, but the ongoing agony of the birth of Windows 10 is a wonder to behold. I think the most used phrase in Windows 10 is "Just a moment" and that moment stretches into eternity. I used to be a member of Windows 7 Forum and of course there were also beginning problems but at least most of them had solutions. I find that the vast majority of problems posted on Windows 10 Forum just go on and on with never a solution in sight.

    I would rather suffer the pain of Windows 7 than the agony of Windows 10.
    There is something wrong at my house. Windows 10 has run perfectly on a dozen computers on my home network.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 50
    W10 Pro 64, version 20H2

    DeaconFrost said:
    ..... It isn't about Windows 10 being a bad's about users not willing to learn something new.....
    If we're on here and running W10, then you can't say we were unwilling to learn something new.....already been there done that!
    We have 2 W10 laptops and a W7 laptop left over from before.
    Change just for the sake of change does not automatically equal improvement, and IMO W10 is proof.
      My Computer


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