Strange symbol between figures of clock on taskbar.

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  1. Posts : 17,843
    Windows 10

    jerriy said:
    Yes I did.

    I changed "system font" in Winaero and ended up with a box instead of a colon on my desktop clock.

    What should I do now (I know I can get the colon back if I returned to the previous font but I don't want that.

    I want to keep my new font and still not see a square on the desktop clock. What should I do?
    Taskbar clock anomaly fix
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 2,583
    Win 11 x 64 Home on PC and Win 11 Home x 64 on Surface 9

    Tomcat, it worked, million thanks!!! I used option 2. Twas only a cosmetic thing but I dislike little things!
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 1
    Window 10 19041.450

    f14tomcat said:
    . . .
    Be very careful which font you chose to use as a system font!

    Many font types do not support all characters needed for the operating system. . . . An operating system needs additional characters, that a novel or blog doesn't.
    Are you suggesting that a simple colon is something that a novel or blog never uses? In my experience it's a pretty basic character that every US keyboard has. I'm also fairly certain that the devs at MS could easily just type that character on their own keyboards, but that's just a guess on my part.

    The problem is MS not using a colon. If other localities need other characters beyond a colon, then that is Microsoft's job to figure out and provide for their users. But it is also their job to provide a colon option for their US users. This has been Microsoft's MO for decades: ignore the simple stuff and make the UI harder and more cumbersome for users whenever possible.

    It need to be solved at the MS core in my opinion. I shouldn't have to worry about system fonts just to get a ':' to show up. Wouldn't you agree?
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 57,012
    Multi-boot Windows 10/11 - RTM, RP, Beta, and Insider

    pedantic pedant said:
    Are you suggesting that a simple colon is something that a novel or blog never uses? In my experience it's a pretty basic character that every US keyboard has. I'm also fairly certain that the devs at MS could easily just type that character on their own keyboards, but that's just a guess on my part.

    The problem is MS not using a colon. If other localities need other characters beyond a colon, then that is Microsoft's job to figure out and provide for their users. But it is also their job to provide a colon option for their US users. This has been Microsoft's MO for decades: ignore the simple stuff and make the UI harder and more cumbersome for users whenever possible.

    It need to be solved at the MS core in my opinion. I shouldn't have to worry about system fonts just to get a ':' to show up. Wouldn't you agree?
    Welcome to Tenforums. I assume you joined only to find a post over a year old, cherry pick some content out of context, and have a mini-rant about the shortcomings of MS.

    Quote from your post:

    "Are you suggesting that a simple colon is something that a novel or blog never uses?"

    Tenforums is not a Blog nor a Novel. It is a Windows 10 Help Support Forum totally UN-associated with Microsoft.

    If you have issues with MS and their shortcomings, I suggest you contact them directly.

      My Computers


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