I cannot view the text of my files or internet addresses

  1. Posts : 1
    Windows 10

    I cannot view the text of my files or internet addresses


    This is my first post here. I believe this is the proper sections to post this, but please excuse me if it belongs elsewhere.

    My computer just updated Windows 10 about 2 days ago. All was going fine until about 2 hours ago, when I was taking an online exam. My Chrome froze leading to the computer resetting. Once it booted up, a large black window that stretched offscreen to the right appeared without any text. I could close it through my toolbar, so I thought nothing of it. However, it quickly became apparent that all of my desktop icons were missing their text. Any attempt to right click and see a menu was useless; the text was likewise gone. All my files and such through the file explorer are also blank. The icons remain, though I have no idea what is what. I can still type things out, such as this forum post, but I can't do much else. Microsoft Word simply crashes. Prompts to update from iTunes appear without text. The occasional info tab that appears in the bottom right screen appears blank or missing the vast majority of text, showing only A's, W's, R's, and H's. I have no idea what to do. I'm quite illiterate at computers. I would like to back up my files using a WD Passport, but don't know how to, let alone know how to navigate to needed files to do so.

    I've reset the laptop, I've tried diagnosing the problems, none are detected, I've tried opening the CMD prompt, to which I can't type into. Nothing seems to help. I'm considering restarting Windows, which says it'll keep my personal files but I would have to reinstall all my apps, including Office. I'd really, REALLY, rather not...

    Can anyone help?
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 8,472
    windows 10

    Welcome to the forum. to simple fixes to try first open a admin cmd prompt then type

    It may take some time then same prompt type

    chkdsk c: /f
    It will say disk locked test on start say yes and reboot

    See if they fix it
      My Computer


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