Unable to clear Windows 10 Run dialog history of recent files

  1. Posts : 2
    Windows 10

    Unable to clear Windows 10 Run dialog history of recent files

    I'm having problems with Windows 10 remembering recent files within the Run dialog.

    For example, if I press Windows key + R, and type the letter C into the dialog box, I get a list of recent files as follows:-

    Unable to clear Windows 10 Run dialog history of recent files-history.png

    I have gone to Control Panel, File Explorer Options, and clicked on the Clear button within the Privacy section. This had no effect (even after reboot etc).

    I have also deleted the contents of the following registry key:-


    This seemed to clear recently run programs (I am old school and often run programs from here), but recently accessed files were still listed. Again I rebooted just in case.

    Does anyone have any ideas?


      My Computer

  2. Posts : 12,809
    Windows 11 Pro

    See if this will help you, it covers the run dialogue box too. Clear File Explorer History in Windows 10 Windows 10 Customization Tutorials
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 3,057
    Windows 10 Pro for the Bro

    There's a free 3rd party app which is really good at clearing history files/temporary files/useless files etc that's sitting on your computer. It's popular and trusted. You can run it every few weeks or so to have it automatically clear up useless data sitting on your computer. It will also clear the recent file list in that picture you posted above.

    Piriform - What is CCleaner?
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 2
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    Hi guys
    Thanks for your contributions.
    I followed the link. The first option I had already tried (Clear File Explorer history in File Explorer Options). I also tried the batch file, which made no difference I'm afraid (I did put a pause at the end of it so I could check that all the commands ran ok. I also manually went to the file locations / registry locations to check they were empty).
    In the meantime I tried WinTools.net Professional, which didn't clear the list. I also tried R-Wipe & Clean, which also failed to clear the list.

    I downloaded and installed a trial of CCleaner Professional. This did the job perfectly.

    Thanks for the help.

      My Computer

  5. Posts : 3,057
    Windows 10 Pro for the Bro

    If you prefer, you can download the regular, free, version of CCleaner. It will clean your system just like the professional version would. The Professional version includes:
    • Real Time Protection: It runs all the time, which isn't really required. You're better off running the app any time that you prefer to.
    • Scheduled Cleaning: You can set it up to run on certain times
    • Automatic Updates: It's already very advanced, you can manually check every half year or so and upgrade to the next free version
    • Premium Support: I'm sure you won't need to contact them, since it's such a simple and reliable app that does everything.

    I'm not saying that you should keep the free version to avoid paying for it. If you believe that it's such a great app and would like to support the developers, then yes, get the Professional version.
    Me, on the other hand, I'm cheap. But in return, I assist people who have problems with their computer. So it equals out, right?
      My Computer


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