What's the diff between win+x shutdown and desktop icon shutdown?

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  1. Posts : 233
    Wndows 10

    I have my Toshiba laptop configured to shut down immediately by pressing the power button (press once, don't hold in).
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  2. mck
    Posts : 142
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    TechnoMage said:
    Edit your shutdown shortcut to change the "t 00" to "t 1". It will work better. Windows does not seem to understand "00' to mean a legitimate number. I've been there, and done that. Give it a whilr!

    Happy Trails, Mate!
    Done. Though it will delay shutdown for 1 second, I don't think it will stop Win10 from initiating any pending updates on shutdown. Thanks.
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  3. mck
    Posts : 142
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    NavyLCDR said:
    Try turning off Windows 10 Fast Startup:
    Turn On or Off Fast Startup in Windows 10 Windows 10 Performance Maintenance Tutorials

    Also try disabling Hibernation:
    powercfg.exe /hibernate off
    My PC was already set to disable Fast Startup. I do use Hibernation quite a bit during normal usage so I don't want to disable that.

    When I was troubleshooting a friend's new Win10 PC, (an Epson printer problem unrelated to Win10), it was super annoying to have Win10 do auto updates when I clicked the desktop shortcut to do a shutdown. I would have to wait up to 10 minutes sometimes for shutdown to complete. That's when I discovered that doing a (win+x) shutdown did not do Win10 updates and shutdown was fast. That friend's Win10 is running the anniversary update.

    My own PC was upgraded from the Anniversary update to the Creator' update so I'm not sure yet if that will affect the behavior of the (win+x) shutdown.

    At any rate, since discovering the difference between a desktop shortcut shutdown and a (win+x) shutdown, I wanted to find a desktop shortcut that will do the exact same thing as a (win+x) shutdown. Not a biggie but it would just save having to press (win+x) when doing a shutdown while troubleshooting problems, or when a quick shutdown is needed for whatever reason.

    Last edited by mck; 12 Aug 2017 at 17:15.
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  4. mck
    Posts : 142
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    Mr Ed said:
    I have my Toshiba laptop configured to shut down immediately by pressing the power button (press once, don't hold in).
    Does that config stop Win10 from doing updates on shutdowns?
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 4,594
    Windows 10 Pro

    mck said:
    Hi CountMike,

    I don't have any problem doing a full shutdown. I wanted to know what's the difference between doing my desktop shortcut shutdown verses doing a (winkey+x) shutdown. I think my desktop shortcut shutdown can take a long time because it's allowing Win10 updates to happen automatically.

    So then do your updates manually, I always check for updates when I 1st turn on my PC.
      My Computers

  6. Posts : 19,533
    W11+W11 Developer Insider + Linux

    There aren't (except for WD) so many updates to worry about. I'm on Insider builds so that doesn't happen too often. How often are updates for non-insiders, once every couple of weeks ?
      My Computers

  7. Posts : 264
    Windows 10 Pro

    OK so I notice two things you guys do differently than I do and I wonder if there's really any difference.

    You guys use the minus sign where I use the / for commands. You also are using two digits for the /t command where I use three.

    like Mine is shutdown.exe /s /t 000 You guys use shutdown.exe -s -t 00

    Mine works and obviously yours works but I just wonder if there is any difference at all....
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 233
    Wndows 10

    I set up my Toshiba laptop to shut down when I press the power button one time. It shuts down within a few seconds.
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 843
    11 Pro 21H2 (22000.832)

    Desktop shutdown shortcuts (shutdown.exe) vs. Win+X Shutdown (STILL)

    I, too, have tried to solve the clear difference between the use of any variation of the shortcut to shutdown.exe on the one hand and the operation triggered by Winkey+X>Shut down or Sign out>Shut down on the other. The latter is almost invariably twice or three times as fast as any desktop shortcut, even allowing for the time it takes to call it up. I right-click the Start logo, then glide over "Shut down or sign out" and click "Shut down," and the response is immediate and satisfying, even though I'm using Malwarebytes alongside my Windows Defender, and Malwarebytes is notoriously reluctant to yield to shutdown requests. If I right-click the MBAM icon and "Quit Malwarebytes" before I use either a desktop shortcut or the Win+X method, the "Quit Malwarebytes" command stops the MBAM service, and either exit strategy speeds up, but the Win+X strategy still beats the desktop shortcut hands down.

    What I'd really like is to find out what, exactly, Windows is calling when I click the "Shut down" label in the Win+X menu, and then figure out how to make a hotkey for that -- so that, for instance, I could hit Ctrl+Winkey+End, and the computer would respond as quickly as it does to the Win+X "Shut down" call.

      My Computers

  10. Posts : 14,663
    Win10 Pro and Home, Win11 Pro and Home, Win7, Linux Mint

    Hate to say it but your post is the latest since 17 Aug 2017

      My Computers


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