what is these files??
Last edited by Brink; 04 Aug 2017 at 15:01. Reason: fixed image. It linked to inappropriate site.
Last edited by Brink; 04 Aug 2017 at 15:01. Reason: fixed image. It linked to inappropriate site.
I can't find any info about them. What folder do they appear inside of? Location may provide a clue, and/or confirm my intuition that these are application-derived and not of Windows' doing or making.
Yea... I agree. It would be very helpful if you can provide more information on the location of the folder.
If you cannot give us the exact path, try to give us as close as possible the location.
C:\Program Files (x86)\Program\****
If your have AV is happy... they are probably harmless and temp stuff that certain apps use...leave em - that app will (well should) remove them..
The files appear in one of the folder I created by myself, so it's probably not system folders...
Move them to a different folder and put that folder somewhere else. Restart your computer/Use your computer/Wait a few days. If nothing happens, then just go ahead and get rid of them. That's what I would do.
As a matter of fact.. if you really want some analysis on these files, do this:
Open Notepad, and drag one of those files into Notepad (to have it open in Notepad). Then take a screen shot of whatever it shows in Notepad. You can also just copy paste like the first section (as text), and from that we can probably figure out what that file could be.
For example, I dragged an EXE file into Notepad. The beginning says "MZ". If you do a search on the web, you can see that this refers to an EXE file type. You can also learn a few interesting history facts. Check this link out: The Anything about IT