NTLDR Missing. Computer will not boot

  1. Posts : 126
    10 Pro

    NTLDR Missing. Computer will not boot

    The computer received the last Microsoft update a few days ago. After the finish and the last reboot, my screen when to Black. Upon trying to reboot, it would not. Tried a startup disk and after a while, the NTLDR message appeared. Have not been able to boot it since. My windows 10 64bit desktop will not boot due to the above error.

    Could this be a solution? I have the same OS on my laptop. Where can I find the files on the laptop so I can transfer them to the desktop? Or where can I find the Ntldr file, the Ntdetect.com file, and the Boot.ini file?
    How do I use the CMD to copy these files to the correct place?

    I have a bootable CD made with the EaseUS Partitions software, did not know what to do once it booted my desktop. Could this be used to help solve my issue?

    I really need a step-by-step on how to fix this and get back to my computer.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 18,476
    Windows 11 Pro

    You will probably need to boot from a Windows 10 recovery or installation USB flash drive. You can make one using the media creation tool:
    Download Windows 10

    Then use the bootrec command to fix your boot files:

    bootrec works the same in Windows 10 as it did in Windows 7.

    Here's some more info on bootrec:
    bootrec – Guide for Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 10
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 1,983
    Windows 10 x86 14383 Insider Pro and Core 10240

    NTLDR is from XP or Windows server 2003, not Windows 10.

    I suggest that you may have used an inappropriate start-up disk that has written the wrong MBR for Windows 10 causing the boot error!
      My Computers

  4. Posts : 126
    10 Pro
    Thread Starter

    It looks like I used the Window Boot Genius, which I thought would allow to get my Win 10 Repair desk to boot. This was tried after my computer would not boot on it's own. So if this is why I got the NTLDR missing, then how do I get my desktop to boot again? Would you have an answer?
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 126
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    NavyLCDR T FixMbr has a symbol after the "r", what is that?

    Found that the symbol meant nothing so I proceeded and ran it. It stated that it worked. So I rearranged my drives as befor and booted. Got the window sound but it did not open the Windows software.

    What to do next??

    BTW, I had installed the Acronis Recovery Manager by using F11, but yhat does not work either.
    Last edited by cyclone3211; 02 Aug 2017 at 13:45. Reason: Added Info
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 14
    Windows 10 Pro

    This used to fix the problem for windows xp users, I know however you are using windows 10 so I would suggest using Dart 10 and try startup repair.

    Here is the link to the xp ntldr is missing Simple "ntldr is missing" fix with boot floppy, CD-R, or USB flash - free
    Here is the link to download Dart 10 1337s Forums

    Finally do as suggested by NavyLCDR

    This is what I heard but was also told windows 10 still uses this file somewhere not exactly sure where now but this is interesting

    Finally download windows 10 VER and burn the file to iso and reinstall windows

    Software Download

    if you need any further advice let me know and I will help you.

    Kind Regards


      My Computer

  7. Posts : 126
    10 Pro
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    I have a disk of DART 10. To use the Crash Analyzer, Microsoft Debugging is required. How do I get a working Debugger installed? I tried windbg but it is not an executable file. So how do I get this on a disk so the Crash Analyzer can use it?
    I have gotten a number of iso and exe files but can't run them.

    In DaRT , the Crash Analzer needs the Microsoft debugger. I did the download and only found X64 Debugger and Tools, not anything shows a file to be the Microsoft Debugger and Tools.

    How do I get this file and how do I load it to be used on my nonbootable desktop?
    Last edited by cyclone3211; 03 Aug 2017 at 15:51. Reason: added question
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 14
    Windows 10 Pro

    ms dart crash analyser tends to Anglicize Blue Screen Of Death Reports and is located at C:\windows\Minidump.
    what I would suggest with the error you are receiving is trying the startup repair option first on the msdart toolset.

    if you want the grab the crash reports and view them you can do so by going to C:\windows\minidump and copying the files across to a removal medium like USB.

    Then use a program called blue screen view to view the dump file information which will tell you what drivers are at fault if you are experiencing blue screen issues.

    as related to your first issue have you tried any of the suggested.

    Kind Regards

      My Computer

  9. Posts : 126
    10 Pro
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    Thank you Bradley . I am trying to save what I had and was looking for a fix. I do a backup on the 1st of each month. Trying not to loose updates for the month of July. Have Acronis backup for June. So far with DaRT, I have been able to see my files on each of my hard drives which was a good sign that it would appear that the hardware is okay, so the issue must be software, I think. The unit does start the POST and at the end I hear the Window starting ring, but the screen at that point is still blank. The monitor is working since I see it during the POST and when using DaRT. I unfortunately , I have never been able to make sense out of any Logs. At this point unable to get them either. I'll keep at and will have to try the Acronis backup on my external drive. If I can not, I stll have my install disk. Thanks for your suggestions.
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 14
    Windows 10 Pro

    No problem with the install disc you could try a repair my pc option and it should repair the necessary files.

    Before this make sure you have a backup of your vital information, this can be done using msdart 10 or other PE builds there are loads available.

    it is really aggravating when windows does this.


      My Computer


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