Testing pdf files for corruption
I had a hard drive corrupt several terabytes of data on me last year. I copied all the recoverable files to a new drive, and I'm in the process of trying to sort through it all now (I know, I should have had a backup). I know some files are fine, and others are corrupt.
I have hundreds of .PDF files I'd like to test for corruption. Is there a tool that can do this reliably and easily, to fully test PDFs that contain either images or text or both? I'm not so good with command lines, powershell, etc., so a gui tool would be ideal. I'd like to be able to just point it to a folder of PDF files and test them all. I did find such a tool here:
and it seems to be ideal, however there's virtually no documentation, and it doesn't specify if it's testing images as well as text in the PDF, so I have no idea what it's actually testing. Any other suggestions, or is anyone familiar with this particular tool and can vouch for it?