Post CU Startup fails but Restart OK

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  1. Posts : 45,388
    Win 10 Pro (22H2) (2nd PC is 22H2)

    Hi, thanks, for whatever reason, your system is not allowing you to create an elevated (administrator) command prompt.

    That is why the command is failing.

    Noted only drivers for XP & Win 7 are available from Lenovo (link works although called 'Error'!)

    Also your system has not been verified for Win 10
    Windows 10 Upgrade July 2015 / Version 1507 - Supported System List

    This does not mean it won't run Win 10.. but there is no guarantee.

    You can roll back to the anniversary build within 10 days of upgrading if you wish.
    Go Back to the Previous Version of Windows in Windows 10 Windows 10 Installation Upgrade Tutorials
      My Computers

  2. Posts : 15
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    I don't know how to got the info about my PC but it is incorrect.
    My initial upgrade to W10 went without a hitch. Since then all W10 upgrades installed problem free.
    Similarly, CU upgrade seemed to go smoothly. Only later did I realise that the problem with failure to launch my browser was not to do with my equipment but linked to Startup following a previous Shut Down.
    I am rapidly coming to the conclusion that the problem lies with MS to interfere with basic PC settings when introducing upgrades.
    It is probably better for me to live with the problem.

    Following CU has the command prompt(admin) been replaced by Windows Powershell(admin)?

    Also reading web article about Fast Startup (The Pros and Cons of Windows 10 Mode ) which includes many of the the settings I have.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 45,388
    Win 10 Pro (22H2) (2nd PC is 22H2)

    What info isn't correct? Your comment is not specific.

    Your specs say Computer Type: PC/Desktop
    System Manufacturer/Model Number: Lenovo H330
    Are you talking about a different PC?

    No, command prompt hasn't been replaced- yet- but Powershell, not Command Prompt is shown in the creator's build in a couple of places. Both exist in the Creator's build.

    You can use familiar commands at a powershell prompt too, so you can try launching a powershell box as admin.
    Post CU Startup fails but Restart OK-1.jpg
      My Computers

  4. Posts : 15
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    Am I correct in assuming you are a representive of MS?

    The identity of my (one and only PC) is as you state, but I was not made aware there could be problems wrt its lack of verification and hence the full operation of W10. I do not recall any warning to this effect when the W10 upgrade was being carried out. As far as I was aware I had a fully working installation after each upgrade.

    When CU upgrade was installed I was undergoing a course of Radiotherapy, the side effects of which left me physically and mentally drained. I am now in the recovery phase but still get tired easily and mentally not yet at my best.
    After a quick check of changes made by CU I concluded non were relevent to my needs.
    I thought about implimenting the 10 days uninstallation of CU but didn't feel up to it.
    Being 80 also didn't help. My willingness to 'dive it the deep end' is diminished. I opt now for the simple life.
    My ability to read, understand and impliment adjustments without basic, very specific instructions is not as it was. I don't have the confidence I once had.
    The use of our PC is nowadays limited to basic functions e.g. web searches, email, personal DTP and basic games. No social media, Skype or similar gizmos.

    I gather from the How-To Geek article that Hibernation is not activated on my PC hence no way of activating Full (instead of Fast) Startup?
    Are you saying that I could use Powershell(admin) to activate Full Startup (Lenovo limitations permitting) and hence overcome my current problem?
    If so, I would welcome simple instructions an how to achieve this.

    Reverting to the non-verification of my PC; are ther any other performance limitations or gliches I should be aware of?

    Thank you for your help,

      My Computer

  5. Posts : 45,388
    Win 10 Pro (22H2) (2nd PC is 22H2)

    Hi, sorry to hear of your experiences. My father at your age certainly couldn't have coped with a PC.

    No, I'm just a user, like yourself. This site is run by volunteers, albeit some of them with decades of experience.
    Most MS responses to queries are formulaic and limited.

    There is a difference between manufacturers verifying PCs for use with Win 10 (most manufacturers have such a list), which OS they provide drivers for, and PCs to which MS offers upgrades. Supposedly MS will hold off distributing upgrades to PCs with known hardware non-compliances, but this seems far from foolproof.

    It is, truly, a case of caveat downloader.

    Therefore the appropriate stance is to be defensive. Always 'try before you commit' - and using disk imaging is a great way to do that.

    I think the idea here is to remove hibernation and fast startup using the powercfg command.

    As you can't launch a command prompt box as admin, it may be you can't launch a powershell box either.. however...

    Win key + S
    Post CU Startup fails but Restart OK-untitled.png
    rt click Powershell, click Run as admin...

    (same as above with the command prompt)

    Check you see a UAC prompt - respond to that- then a blue box with Administrator in the title bar.
      My Computers

  6. Posts : 31,001
    Windows 11 Pro x64 Version 23H2

    Hi Mike. Looks like you have altered windows Start with something like classic shell.

    Interesting that you can't get command prompt(admin). Leave that for another thread although I wonder if they are related.

    Here is the tutorial on shutting off Windows Fast Startup (which does not change your Windows Start menuing button).

    Turn On or Off Fast Startup in Windows 10
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 15
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    Hi Dalchina, (sorry I've been mis - spelling your name)

    I've read the tutorial.
    Option 1 is NOT applicable as the settings I have listed are 'Lock' and 'Sleep'. NO Hibernation.
    Option 2 is to use a .BAT file. Would you recommend this. If so do I need to take any precautions (e.g. Recovery Point)?

    I can get a command prompt using Rt Click Windows Start button. The resultant option list (whte text on black background) includes Windows PowerShell and Windows PowerShell(Admin). Clicking on each brings up a different list of command prompt extensions.

    Would welcome advise.

      My Computer

  8. Posts : 45,388
    Win 10 Pro (22H2) (2nd PC is 22H2)

    Try powershell (admin) then run
    powercfg -h off

    Clicking on each brings up a different list of command prompt extensions.
    - that sounds completely wrong and I've no idea what it looks like. Screenshot please?

    You should get a blue prompt box. (My #13)

    If not, seems Windows is damaged and needs repair.
      My Computers

  9. Posts : 15
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    Rt click start button brings up
    Post CU Startup fails but Restart OK-image.png

    Click PowerShell produces
    Post CU Startup fails but Restart OK-image.png
    Adding prompt extention powercfg /? produces
    Post CU Startup fails but Restart OK-image.png
    NOTE: 4th line Hibernate /H enables and disables the Hibernate function

    Repeat for PowerShell(Admin) produces
    Post CU Startup fails but Restart OK-image.png

    Hope this helps
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 45,388
    Win 10 Pro (22H2) (2nd PC is 22H2)

    I can't expand your screenshots as they were not added using the Insert Image icon above your post to the left of the video icon.

    However your Powershell box, again, is not admin in the first case, so is irrelevant.
    I can't possibly make anything out of your last image- sorry.
      My Computers


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