Hi, just for clarity, that screenshot's Wordpad, and as you can see from my specs, (click 'My computer') I'm running the Anniversary edition.
I think perhaps what you are looking at is a late version of MS Word.
My #3:
I find having extra buttons on my title bars really handy so I've consistent access to favourite and recent folders for example. (That's a 3rd party program, Actual Window Manager- other such programs exist).
Additional Title Buttons - Actual Window Manager - Actual Tools
The product is on all-embracing all-singing program for $49-95 (or free with Trialpay) or you can get one of many subsets of the total feature set for around $20 - example:
Feature Comparison Chart - Products Catalog - Actual Tools
2017 Full catalog of TrialPay Software (get full version software for free) |
(E.g. I did a month's trial of a TV service and got the program free .. no payment required).
There are other (often older, not maintained) programs that attempt something like this in different ways - e.g. Listary, which has a quite different focus and feature set- but this is much the most functional.
I find having a 'pin on top' option very handy too.
To Win 7 - and I still used it in 8, the retired FileBox eXtender adopted a similar approach.