Locating saved files

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  1. Posts : 44,108
    Win 10 Pro (22H2) (2nd PC is 22H2)

    Hi, just for clarity, that screenshot's Wordpad, and as you can see from my specs, (click 'My computer') I'm running the Anniversary edition.

    I think perhaps what you are looking at is a late version of MS Word.

    My #3:
    I find having extra buttons on my title bars really handy so I've consistent access to favourite and recent folders for example. (That's a 3rd party program, Actual Window Manager- other such programs exist).
    Locating saved files-1.jpg

    Additional Title Buttons - Actual Window Manager - Actual Tools

    The product is on all-embracing all-singing program for $49-95 (or free with Trialpay) or you can get one of many subsets of the total feature set for around $20 - example:
    Locating saved files-1.jpg
    Feature Comparison Chart - Products Catalog - Actual Tools

    2017 Full catalog of TrialPay Software (get full version software for free) | 24Hsoftware.com

    (E.g. I did a month's trial of a TV service and got the program free .. no payment required).

    There are other (often older, not maintained) programs that attempt something like this in different ways - e.g. Listary, which has a quite different focus and feature set- but this is much the most functional.

    I find having a 'pin on top' option very handy too.

    To Win 7 - and I still used it in 8, the retired FileBox eXtender adopted a similar approach.
      My Computers

  2. Posts : 9
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    dalchina said:
    The recent button shows a big list of recent items as a drop-down (I didn't want to include more as my name was shown)

    The favourites button likewise - it's not one per button!

    Works for universal apps too.
    Thanks, Dalchina. Cheers, V
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 9
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    lx07 said:
    Recent versions of Office are a real pain like that.

    It doesn't present you the usual "save as" dialog as every single other program in Windows but rather some weird concoction all of its own. I find it particularly confusing saving to OneDrive as it isn't clear if it is saving first to my OneDrive directory on my disk:


    to be synched later (which shows up in quick access) or uploaded direct to the cloud with a random path like:


    to be synched back down to my PC (which doesn't show up in quick access).

    I guess people who use Office a lot get used to it but for me it is confusing as anything.

    As I don't use Office that much I tend to move my document to desktop, edit it and then move it back where I want it. Perhaps there is a better way...
    Sounds like I am not the only one with this "problem". I cannot believe the Office programmers made it so complicated. There must be a better way.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 340
    Windows 10 Home 64 bit (with Creators OS)

    lx07 said:
    Recent versions of Office are a real pain like that.

    It doesn't present you the usual "save as" dialog as every single other program in Windows but rather some weird concoction all of its own.
    I find it particularly confusing saving to OneDrive as it isn't clear if it is saving first to my OneDrive directory on my disk:


    to be synched later (which shows up in quick access) or uploaded direct to the cloud with a random path like:


    to be synched back down to my PC (which doesn't show up in quick access).

    I guess people who use Office a lot get used to it but for me it is confusing as anything.

    As I don't use Office that much I tend to move my document to desktop, edit it and then move it back where I want it. Perhaps there is a better way...
    No "Save As.." in the recent version of Office?! "Save As ..." has been around for many years, also in other programs. I was about to upgrade from my Office 2013 to the latest, but won't now as I greatly value the "Save As" in Word, Xcell and PowerPoint.

    >> Out of interest, what are the current versions of Office's Save command?
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 14,359
    Win10 Pro and Home, Win11 Pro and Home, Win7, Linux Mint

    My Office 2013 on Win10 CU Version 1703 has the Save as on the File column, fifth item down. I've never been without Save as using versions of Word back to version 6 [Office 4.5]. Tip: the version number of the applications in the Office suite have never been the same as the suite number until Office 2016 came out, e.g. Office 2013 has application versions of 15.
      My Computers

  6. Posts : 340
    Windows 10 Home 64 bit (with Creators OS)

    Berton said:
    My Office 2013 on Win10 CU Version 1703 has the Save as on the File column, fifth item down.
    Yes, so does mine.
      My Computer


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