Remove Context Menus from START MENU Icons

  1. Posts : 13
    Windows 10 Pro 64bit

    Remove Context Menus from START MENU Icons

    Please be aware that setting the group policy option: "Remove Access to the Context Menus for the Taskbar" to "Enabled", in Windows 10, does NOT work. This Group Policy setting is located at:
    User Configuration > Administrative Templates > Start Menu & Taskbar

    It is supposed to perform the following: "
    This will remove the right-click menu for the Task Bar, Start Menu and Clock.", but it does NOT remove the context menu's from Start Menu icons. It DOES however remove the context menu from the Taskbar and Clock.

    Has anyone else found a work-around for this issue?

    Thank you very much for your time in advance!
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 13
    Windows 10 Pro 64bit
    Thread Starter

    To clarify, we also do NOT want to completely disable ALL of the File Explorer's default context menus:
    User Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > File Explorer"Remove File Explorer's default context menu"

    as we have an psuedo administrative user that requires certain context menu access ONLY from allotted file explorer directories, but we do not want them to have access to the context menu on the Start Menu. Thanks again!
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 3,067
    Windows 10 Pro for the Bro

    Your first post confused me a little bit. Is there a context menu still showing up when you right click on the Start Button?

    There's this site: How do I disable the context menu for the Start button? | Management Mobility content from Windows IT Pro

    Also, look at a bit more results over here: disable right click on start button - Bing
      My Computer


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