Pinning to Start Menu very buggy

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  1. Posts : 533
    Windows 10 Pro x64 Version 21H2
    Thread Starter

    lx07 said:
    You can't pin portable apps to start.

    You can't find portable apps with search.

    All you can do is make a shortcut and stick it in C:\Users\<whatever>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs (or put it in %programdata% for everyone)

    This is a rubbish change in Windows 10 I've already reported. Windows 7 and 8 did not work the same.
    In WIndows 7 and 8 you could pin the shortcut of portable apps to the Start Menu. In Windows 10 as well but the bug here is that if you unpin the shortcut and pin it again, it won't get pinned again. You'd have to reboot the PC and pin it again for the change to apply.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 5,478

    Press type the name of your portable program and see if you can find it.

    I think you will find you can not.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 533
    Windows 10 Pro x64 Version 21H2
    Thread Starter

    lx07 said:
    Press type the name of your portable program and see if you can find it.

    I think you will find you can not.
    Ah, that's what you meant. I tried it and I can't find it indeed, it's bizarre. However, the problem I was describing is different from this, it's about pinning the shortcuts to the Start Menu. Nevertheless, this all does mean that the Start Menu really needs to be reviewed.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 5,478


    What you can do is stick a shortcut in the start menu. That is what I do.

    Imagine you have all your portable programs stored in one place you can just write the lot with a loop and it will at a shortcut for every .exe it finds.

    Like this for example...
    # Shortcuts will be created in $ShortcutRoot for programs found in $ExeRoot (except for $Exclusions)
    $ShortcutRoot=$Home + "\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\"
    $Exclusions = @("gdisk64","nvspbind","StartKiller","UnlockerInject32")
    $PoShExeRoot="C:\Users\Hali\OneDrive\Programs\Powershell Scripts\"
    $PoShShortcutRoot=$Home + "\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Powershell Scripts\"
    $PoShExclusions = @("Sleep Mac Transmission","Wake Mac Transmission","WakeTransmission")
    $SysinternalsShortcutRoot=$Home + "\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\SysinternalsSuite\"
    $SysinternalsExclusions = @(
    # Check set-up
    Write-Host "Shortcuts will be created in " -NoNewline; Write-Host $ShortcutRoot -f White
    Write-Host "for programs found in " -NoNewline; Write-Host $ExeRoot -NoNewline -f White; Write-Host " and " -NoNewline; Write-Host $SysinternalsExeRoot -f White
    $title="Keep folder structure for shortcuts?"
    $message="Enter choice"
    $choices = @(
    	@("Yes", "Keep existing structure"),
    	@("No",  "Create Shortcuts in root directory"),
    $options = @($i=0;$choices |
    	%{New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription "&$i`b$($_[0])", $_[1]; $i++})
    $result = $host.ui.PromptForChoice($title, $message, $options, 1)
    $choice = $choices[$result][0]
    Switch ($result)
    {	0 {$Consolidate=$False}
    	1 {$Consolidate=$True}
    	2 {exit}
    Function Set-Admin 
    # Set the Run As Administrator flag
    ($file) {
    	if (-not (Test-Path $file)) { Write-Host "File not found                                   " -NoNewline -f red; Write-Host "$file" -f red }
    	else {
    		$bytes = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllBytes($file)
    		$bytes[0x15] = $bytes[0x15] -bor 0x20 #set byte 21 (0x15) bit 6 (0x20) ON (Use –bor to set RunAsAdministrator option and –bxor to unset)
    		[System.IO.File]::WriteAllBytes($file, $bytes)
    		Write-Host "Administrator authority granted                  " -NoNewline -f green; Write-Host "$file" -f White
    Function Create-Shortcuts 
    # Create shortcuts for all non-excluded .exe
    ($ExeRoot,$ShortcutRoot,$Exclusions,$Consolidate,$Recurse) {
    	# Get all program objects
    	if ($Recurse) {$Apps=Get-ChildItem -path $ExeRoot -include @("*.exe","*.ps1") -recurse}
    	else {$Apps=Get-ChildItem -path "$ExeRoot*" -include @("*.exe","*.ps1")}
    	Foreach ($App in $Apps) {
            $IconPath=(Split-Path $App.FullName -parent)+"\"+[io.path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($App.FullName)+'.ico'	
    		if ($consolidate) { 
    		} else { 
    			$ShortcutPath=([io.path]::ChangeExtension($ShortcutRoot + $App.FullName.SubString($ExeRoot.Length), '.lnk'))
    		if (Test-Path $ShortcutPath) { Write-Host "Shortcut exists                                  " -NoNewline -f cyan; Write-Host "$ShortcutPath" -f white }
    		elseif ($Exclusions -contains $App.BaseName) { Write-Host " excluded                                        " -NoNewline -f red; Write-Host "$App" -f red }
    		else {
    			# Create directory if required
    			$ShortcutDirectory = Split-Path $ShortcutPath -parent
    			if (-not (Test-Path $ShortcutDirectory )) { New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $ShortcutDirectory -Force }
    			# Create Shortcut
    			$WshShell=New-Object -ComObject WScript.Shell
    			If([io.path]::GetExtension($App.FullName) -eq '.exe') {
                    $Shortcut.TargetPath = $App.FullName
                } Else {
                    $Shortcut.TargetPath ='%systemroot%\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe'
                    $Shortcut.Arguments = '-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File "'+$App.FullName+'"'
    			if (Test-Path $IconPath) {$Shortcut.IconLocation = $IconPath}
    			$Shortcut.WorkingDirectory = Split-Path $App.FullName -parent
    			Write-Host "Shortcut created                                 " -NoNewline -f green; Write-Host $ShortcutPath -f White
    			# Make Powershell shortcuts run as administrator			
    			If([io.path]::GetExtension($App.FullName) -eq '.ps1') {Set-Admin $ShortcutPath}
    Write-Host "EXEs Processed" -f Yellow; Write-Host
    # Sysinternals Programs
    Create-Shortcuts $SysinternalsExeRoot $SysinternalsShortcutRoot $SysinternalsExclusions $True $False
    # sync.exe (want to add icon)
    $WshShell=New-Object -ComObject WScript.Shell
    $Shortcut.TargetPath = "$SysinternalsExeRoot\sync.exe"
    $Shortcut.WorkingDirectory = "$SysinternalsExeRoot"
    $Shortcut.IconLocation = "%SystemRoot%\system32\shell32.dll,217" # (54 accross *4 deep + 1 down = 217 in the dll)
    Write-Host "Shortcut created                                 " -NoNewline -f green; Write-Host $SysinternalsShortcutRoot"sync.lnk" -f White
    # Set various shortcuts to run as Admin
    Set-Admin "$SysinternalsShortcutRoot`Autoruns.lnk"
    Set-Admin "$SysinternalsShortcutRoot`procexp.lnk"
    Set-Admin "$SysinternalsShortcutRoot`Procmon.lnk"
    Set-Admin "$SysinternalsShortcutRoot`sync.lnk"
    # Powershell scripts
    Create-Shortcuts $PoShExeRoot $PoShShortcutRoot $PoShExclusions $True $True
    # Other Programs
    # Get Programs in root
    Create-Shortcuts $ExeRoot $ShortcutRoot $Exclusions $True $False
    # Get programs in sub-directories (except Sysinternals)
    $OtherDirs = Get-ChildItem -path $ExeRoot -dir -exclude "SysinternalsSuite","Powershell Scripts"
    Foreach ($OtherDir in $OtherDirs) {
    	if (-not $Consolidate) { $ShortcutRoot=$SavedShortcutRoot+$OtherDir.Name+"\" }
    	Create-Shortcuts $ExeRoot $ShortcutRoot $Exclusions $Consolidate $True
    # Set various shortcuts to run as Admin
    Set-Admin "$ShortcutRoot`windirstat.lnk"
    Set-Admin "$ShortcutRoot`TreeSizeFree.lnk"
    # Other Shortcuts
    $WshShell = New-Object -ComObject WScript.Shell
    $Shortcut=$WshShell.CreateShortcut("$ShortcutRoot\God Mode.lnk")
    $Shortcut.TargetPath = $Shortcut.TargetPath = "$env:systemroot\explorer.exe"
    $Shortcut.Arguments = "shell:::{ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C}"
    Write-Host "Shortcut created                                 " -NoNewline -f green; Write-Host $ShortcutRoot"God Mode.lnk" -f White
    if (-not(Test-Path "$ShortcutRoot\TN5250")) {New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path "$ShortcutRoot\TN5250" -Force}
    Copy-Item $ExeRoot\TN5250\PUB1.lnk $ShortcutRoot\TN5250\
    Copy-Item $ExeRoot\TN5250\SIASDEV.lnk $ShortcutRoot\TN5250\
    Move-Item $ShortcutRoot\TN5250.lnk $ShortcutRoot\TN5250\
    # Rename any odd named
    if (Test-Path "$ShortcutRoot\TFC.lnk") {Rename-Item "$ShortcutRoot\TFC.lnk" "$ShortcutRoot\Temp File Cleaner.lnk"} 
    if (Test-Path "$ShortcutRoot\Rapr.lnk") {Rename-Item "$ShortcutRoot\Rapr.lnk" "$ShortcutRoot\Driver Store Explorer.lnk"}
    Read-Host -Prompt "Press Enter to exit"
    Still a bit boring to do it though.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 533
    Windows 10 Pro x64 Version 21H2
    Thread Starter

    lx07 said:

    What you can do is stick a shortcut in the start menu. That is what I do.

    Imagine you have all your portable programs stored in one place you can just write the lot with a loop and it will at a shortcut for every .exe it finds.

    Like this for example...
    # Shortcuts will be created in $ShortcutRoot for programs found in $ExeRoot (except for $Exclusions)
    $ShortcutRoot=$Home + "\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\"
    $Exclusions = @("gdisk64","nvspbind","StartKiller","UnlockerInject32")
    $PoShExeRoot="C:\Users\Hali\OneDrive\Programs\Powershell Scripts\"
    $PoShShortcutRoot=$Home + "\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Powershell Scripts\"
    $PoShExclusions = @("Sleep Mac Transmission","Wake Mac Transmission","WakeTransmission")
    $SysinternalsShortcutRoot=$Home + "\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\SysinternalsSuite\"
    $SysinternalsExclusions = @(
    # Check set-up
    Write-Host "Shortcuts will be created in " -NoNewline; Write-Host $ShortcutRoot -f White
    Write-Host "for programs found in " -NoNewline; Write-Host $ExeRoot -NoNewline -f White; Write-Host " and " -NoNewline; Write-Host $SysinternalsExeRoot -f White
    $title="Keep folder structure for shortcuts?"
    $message="Enter choice"
    $choices = @(
    	@("Yes", "Keep existing structure"),
    	@("No",  "Create Shortcuts in root directory"),
    $options = @($i=0;$choices |
    	%{New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription "&$i`b$($_[0])", $_[1]; $i++})
    $result = $host.ui.PromptForChoice($title, $message, $options, 1)
    $choice = $choices[$result][0]
    Switch ($result)
    {	0 {$Consolidate=$False}
    	1 {$Consolidate=$True}
    	2 {exit}
    Function Set-Admin 
    # Set the Run As Administrator flag
    ($file) {
    	if (-not (Test-Path $file)) { Write-Host "File not found                                   " -NoNewline -f red; Write-Host "$file" -f red }
    	else {
    		$bytes = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllBytes($file)
    		$bytes[0x15] = $bytes[0x15] -bor 0x20 #set byte 21 (0x15) bit 6 (0x20) ON (Use –bor to set RunAsAdministrator option and –bxor to unset)
    		[System.IO.File]::WriteAllBytes($file, $bytes)
    		Write-Host "Administrator authority granted                  " -NoNewline -f green; Write-Host "$file" -f White
    Function Create-Shortcuts 
    # Create shortcuts for all non-excluded .exe
    ($ExeRoot,$ShortcutRoot,$Exclusions,$Consolidate,$Recurse) {
    	# Get all program objects
    	if ($Recurse) {$Apps=Get-ChildItem -path $ExeRoot -include @("*.exe","*.ps1") -recurse}
    	else {$Apps=Get-ChildItem -path "$ExeRoot*" -include @("*.exe","*.ps1")}
    	Foreach ($App in $Apps) {
            $IconPath=(Split-Path $App.FullName -parent)+"\"+[io.path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($App.FullName)+'.ico'	
    		if ($consolidate) { 
    		} else { 
    			$ShortcutPath=([io.path]::ChangeExtension($ShortcutRoot + $App.FullName.SubString($ExeRoot.Length), '.lnk'))
    		if (Test-Path $ShortcutPath) { Write-Host "Shortcut exists                                  " -NoNewline -f cyan; Write-Host "$ShortcutPath" -f white }
    		elseif ($Exclusions -contains $App.BaseName) { Write-Host " excluded                                        " -NoNewline -f red; Write-Host "$App" -f red }
    		else {
    			# Create directory if required
    			$ShortcutDirectory = Split-Path $ShortcutPath -parent
    			if (-not (Test-Path $ShortcutDirectory )) { New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $ShortcutDirectory -Force }
    			# Create Shortcut
    			$WshShell=New-Object -ComObject WScript.Shell
    			If([io.path]::GetExtension($App.FullName) -eq '.exe') {
                    $Shortcut.TargetPath = $App.FullName
                } Else {
                    $Shortcut.TargetPath ='%systemroot%\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe'
                    $Shortcut.Arguments = '-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File "'+$App.FullName+'"'
    			if (Test-Path $IconPath) {$Shortcut.IconLocation = $IconPath}
    			$Shortcut.WorkingDirectory = Split-Path $App.FullName -parent
    			Write-Host "Shortcut created                                 " -NoNewline -f green; Write-Host $ShortcutPath -f White
    			# Make Powershell shortcuts run as administrator			
    			If([io.path]::GetExtension($App.FullName) -eq '.ps1') {Set-Admin $ShortcutPath}
    Write-Host "EXEs Processed" -f Yellow; Write-Host
    # Sysinternals Programs
    Create-Shortcuts $SysinternalsExeRoot $SysinternalsShortcutRoot $SysinternalsExclusions $True $False
    # sync.exe (want to add icon)
    $WshShell=New-Object -ComObject WScript.Shell
    $Shortcut.TargetPath = "$SysinternalsExeRoot\sync.exe"
    $Shortcut.WorkingDirectory = "$SysinternalsExeRoot"
    $Shortcut.IconLocation = "%SystemRoot%\system32\shell32.dll,217" # (54 accross *4 deep + 1 down = 217 in the dll)
    Write-Host "Shortcut created                                 " -NoNewline -f green; Write-Host $SysinternalsShortcutRoot"sync.lnk" -f White
    # Set various shortcuts to run as Admin
    Set-Admin "$SysinternalsShortcutRoot`Autoruns.lnk"
    Set-Admin "$SysinternalsShortcutRoot`procexp.lnk"
    Set-Admin "$SysinternalsShortcutRoot`Procmon.lnk"
    Set-Admin "$SysinternalsShortcutRoot`sync.lnk"
    # Powershell scripts
    Create-Shortcuts $PoShExeRoot $PoShShortcutRoot $PoShExclusions $True $True
    # Other Programs
    # Get Programs in root
    Create-Shortcuts $ExeRoot $ShortcutRoot $Exclusions $True $False
    # Get programs in sub-directories (except Sysinternals)
    $OtherDirs = Get-ChildItem -path $ExeRoot -dir -exclude "SysinternalsSuite","Powershell Scripts"
    Foreach ($OtherDir in $OtherDirs) {
    	if (-not $Consolidate) { $ShortcutRoot=$SavedShortcutRoot+$OtherDir.Name+"\" }
    	Create-Shortcuts $ExeRoot $ShortcutRoot $Exclusions $Consolidate $True
    # Set various shortcuts to run as Admin
    Set-Admin "$ShortcutRoot`windirstat.lnk"
    Set-Admin "$ShortcutRoot`TreeSizeFree.lnk"
    # Other Shortcuts
    $WshShell = New-Object -ComObject WScript.Shell
    $Shortcut=$WshShell.CreateShortcut("$ShortcutRoot\God Mode.lnk")
    $Shortcut.TargetPath = $Shortcut.TargetPath = "$env:systemroot\explorer.exe"
    $Shortcut.Arguments = "shell:::{ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C}"
    Write-Host "Shortcut created                                 " -NoNewline -f green; Write-Host $ShortcutRoot"God Mode.lnk" -f White
    if (-not(Test-Path "$ShortcutRoot\TN5250")) {New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path "$ShortcutRoot\TN5250" -Force}
    Copy-Item $ExeRoot\TN5250\PUB1.lnk $ShortcutRoot\TN5250\
    Copy-Item $ExeRoot\TN5250\SIASDEV.lnk $ShortcutRoot\TN5250\
    Move-Item $ShortcutRoot\TN5250.lnk $ShortcutRoot\TN5250\
    # Rename any odd named
    if (Test-Path "$ShortcutRoot\TFC.lnk") {Rename-Item "$ShortcutRoot\TFC.lnk" "$ShortcutRoot\Temp File Cleaner.lnk"} 
    if (Test-Path "$ShortcutRoot\Rapr.lnk") {Rename-Item "$ShortcutRoot\Rapr.lnk" "$ShortcutRoot\Driver Store Explorer.lnk"}
    Read-Host -Prompt "Press Enter to exit"
    Still a bit boring to do it though.
    I'm really not into writing writing commands. But I could try and move the shortcuts to the Start menu folder. See if that would work. Nevertheless, it's weird that there are such random bugs that you don't know the cause of.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 5,478

    JohnnyGui said:
    I'm really not into writing writing commands. But I could try and move the shortcuts to the Start menu folder. See if that would work. Nevertheless, it's weird that there are such random bugs that you don't know the cause of.
    That would work - it is the same. You can just right click on each .exe and then it will make a shortcut on your desktop. You can then copy it to C:\Users\<whatever your name is>\Appdata\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\

    I've no idea why you think I personally or anyone else should have a clue about why it works this way (or why it isn't fixed) as isn't a Microsoft affiliated site

    Anyway I've been moaning about this bug to MS, including reporting it to their feedback app, since October 2014 and got no response but this does work as a temporary (or perhaps permanent) workaround..
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 533
    Windows 10 Pro x64 Version 21H2
    Thread Starter

    lx07 said:
    I've no idea why you think I personally or anyone else should have a clue about why it works this way (or why it isn't fixed) as isn't a Microsoft affiliated site
    Oh I didn't mean it that way that you guys should know the cause. I was referring with "you" as to us people in general having random Windows issues that don't seem to make any sense (i.e. the cause is unknown). I find it weird that we have such issues.

    lx07 said:
    Anyway I've been moaning about this bug to MS, including reporting it to their feedback app, since October 2014 and got no response but this does work as a temporary (or perhaps permanent) workaround..
    I'm having this doubt for a long time that MS is paying attention to all those feedback comments and is really trying to fix all of them. I guess only time will tell.
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 5,478

    JohnnyGui said:
    I'm having this doubt for a long time that MS is paying attention to all those feedback comments and is really trying to fix all of them. I guess only time will tell.
    Actually I think they don't care.

    You should read what old Apple guys are saying about the new MacOS Sierra released to public on beta today. I don't want to use a bad word so I'll just say fub (as normal).
      My Computer


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