windows 10 black screen

  1. kdo
    Posts : 2

    windows 10 black screen

    I have an hp envy laptop. I should have known better but download the free windows 10 app. Everything was fine for a few weeks but then the black screen started. I have tried the reload and yes I downloaded it from the Microsoft web site to get a clean copy. I have done this three times now and this last time my back up drive failed and I lost all of my files. I took it to three places to see if they could recover them but was told no.. I deleted the amd display driver and rebooted, worked fine for one day now back to the black screen again. I do have an Acer monitor connected to the laptop. I unhook that and try the reboot.. nothing.. I tried the following the directions pressing the windows button and P on the black screen that does nothing. Sometimes windows will load after a few minutes, other times I let it sit for 2 hours and it will very slowly load the image of the start up windows and I power off and it will come right up like nothing is wrong. I am at a loss on what to do. Is it because of the Acer monitor? Or some other driver? I did get a blue screen that said usb driver failed and it restarted. I just want my computer to work right again.. I am not that computer savvy like a lot of people on here so I may not understand some of the steps.. but I try.. and I guess a hammer might work! Thank you.. Keith
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 564
    Windows 10 Pro x64 21H1

    It is possible a driver is failing, but if it only boots up most of the time, that's more reason to believe there is a hardware issue.

    Have you tried turning off the fast startup feature to see if that helps?

    Right click on start
    Click power options
    Click "choose what the power buttons do"
    Click " change settings that are currently unavailable"
    Uncheck turn on fast startup.

    If that doesn't help, you may need to check the manufacturers website to see if there are updated drivers. If the laptop came with Windows 7 or 8, sometimes Windows 10 may not run well on older hardware.

    Also, did the laptop run ok on the external monitor? If it did, there may be a slight chance that when you unplug the external monitor, that Windows isn't reseting the laptop monitor back to defaults, however, if the laptop monitor works most of the time, the. It's probably not the monitor issue.

    When you fiirst turn on the computer, do you get the Acer logo, or the Windows logo with the spinning dots? That would narrow down if it's a monitor issue.

    If there is a boot issue, I would wonder if your hard disk may be failing as well. If you had another hard disk, you could install it and install a clean copy of Windows 10 and test that theory.

    If the system ran fine with a previous version of Windows, then you may need to download installation media from Microsoft for your previous version of Windows, and reinstall.
      My Computer

  3. kdo
    Posts : 2
    Thread Starter

    I changed the power options this morning but still booting up with the black screen. I let it sit for 10 minutes and then powered off and it came back up and windows loaded normally. now it may for a couple days but then go back to the black screen.

    When I turn it on.. I get the windows logo with the spinning circle. The screen will go black then usually the windows logo with spinning circle should come back and windows will load, but the screen stays black at that point. If I let it sit it will load in about 5 minutes sometimes I have waited 2 hours. I power off and back on and it loads right up without issue.

    The hard drive failed last year and the new one has been working okay.. well until windows 10 came along.

    Every once in a blue moon I would get a blue screen with usb drive fail and the laptop would re-boot. that has happened maybe 4 times in 10 months..

    I searched Microsoft for windows 7 but could not find it. they told me I had to select go back to the previous version from the tools screen. I tried that a few weeks ago and it never would work.

    Thank you for trying to help. My laptop is 6 years old so maybe it's time something new..

    lmaneke said:
    It is possible a driver is failing, but if it only boots up most of the time, that's more reason to believe there is a hardware issue.

    Have you tried turning off the fast startup feature to see if that helps?

    Right click on start
    Click power options
    Click "choose what the power buttons do"
    Click " change settings that are currently unavailable"
    Uncheck turn on fast startup.

    If that doesn't help, you may need to check the manufacturers website to see if there are updated drivers. If the laptop came with Windows 7 or 8, sometimes Windows 10 may not run well on older hardware.

    Also, did the laptop run ok on the external monitor? If it did, there may be a slight chance that when you unplug the external monitor, that Windows isn't reseting the laptop monitor back to defaults, however, if the laptop monitor works most of the time, the. It's probably not the monitor issue.

    When you fiirst turn on the computer, do you get the Acer logo, or the Windows logo with the spinning dots? That would narrow down if it's a monitor issue.

    If there is a boot issue, I would wonder if your hard disk may be failing as well. If you had another hard disk, you could install it and install a clean copy of Windows 10 and test that theory.

    If the system ran fine with a previous version of Windows, then you may need to download installation media from Microsoft for your previous version of Windows, and reinstall.
      My Computer


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