windows 10 black screen
I have an hp envy laptop. I should have known better but download the free windows 10 app. Everything was fine for a few weeks but then the black screen started. I have tried the reload and yes I downloaded it from the Microsoft web site to get a clean copy. I have done this three times now and this last time my back up drive failed and I lost all of my files. I took it to three places to see if they could recover them but was told no.. I deleted the amd display driver and rebooted, worked fine for one day now back to the black screen again. I do have an Acer monitor connected to the laptop. I unhook that and try the reboot.. nothing.. I tried the following the directions pressing the windows button and P on the black screen that does nothing. Sometimes windows will load after a few minutes, other times I let it sit for 2 hours and it will very slowly load the image of the start up windows and I power off and it will come right up like nothing is wrong. I am at a loss on what to do. Is it because of the Acer monitor? Or some other driver? I did get a blue screen that said usb driver failed and it restarted. I just want my computer to work right again.. I am not that computer savvy like a lot of people on here so I may not understand some of the steps.. but I try.. and I guess a hammer might work! Thank you.. Keith