CMD command not running need help thank you
I did every thing to run there commands and specialy the first one But it wont fun
Didi I miss somthing
the first command will just not run Help please
cd "\user\<yourAccName>\downloads\chml" ( or wherever you saved chml )
chml "c:\users\<yourAccName>\desktop" -i:m -nr -nw -nx
chml "c:\users\<yourAccName>\documents" -i:m -nr -nw -nx
chml "c:\users\<yourAccName>\pictures" -i:m -nr -nw -nx
chml "c:\users\<yourAccName>\videos" -i:m -nr -nw -nx
chml "c:\users\<yourAccName>\music" -i:m -nr -nw -nx
chml "c:\users\<yourAccName>\downloads" -i:l
thank you