Lock Screen Slideshow Time Out

  1. Posts : 3,049
    Windows 10 Pro for the Bro

    Lock Screen Slideshow Time Out

    Hello, I used to use a reg file for Windows 8.1 to customize the time until the screen turns off during the Lock Screen Time Out. I want to know if that command still applies for Windows 10.

    The reg file command is:
    [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Lock Screen]
    (where the screen turns off after 5 minutes).

    I have the formula to figure out what you need to calculate to insert after "dword" for the amount of time until the screen times out (goes black). Ask me for the formula... as long as the above works.

      My Computer

  2. Posts : 3,049
    Windows 10 Pro for the Bro
    Thread Starter

    Never mind. I went into the Registry and checked it out.

    Yes, the same exact rules apply here like in Windows 8.1
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 796
    Windows 10/11

    At some point this stopped working. I always get the default 10 seconds on both Windows 10 and Windows 11.

    Also, if I set SlideshowDuration to a short value (e.g. 5000), the screen will just go blank after the first slide.
      My Computer


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