After start seeing desktop icons flash

  1. Posts : 2,297
    Windows 10 Pro (64 bit)

    After start seeing desktop icons flash

    Couple times today, I've seen the desktop icons all flash/flicker for a micro second. You know the type when something installs and desktop refreshes. But of course I am not installing anything. So possibly something background happening/updating. Is there some kind of process monitor/log that I can open to determine what happened?
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 2,297
    Windows 10 Pro (64 bit)
    Thread Starter

    Totally speculating but maybe it's Windows defender causing it. I notice the defender icon since anniversary update now sits handily in the system tray. After a login I notice after a few minutes it obtains an exclamation Mark purely because I haven't ran a scan in a while. I wonder if it's that which causes the desktop icons to flash/ re draw in a micro second. I've just ran a quick scan to eliminate that prompt/exclamation to see if it stops this.

    woukd be good to know how to see the timeline of updates, events , installations though. I know there is a way where it displays in chart format. Before the recent store update it was the only way to see what apps were updated and when (if the update process was on auto). But I cannot remember or find what it is one has to launch to see it
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 2,297
    Windows 10 Pro (64 bit)
    Thread Starter

    I found the cause of the flashing icons. There was an office update early yesterday and now this is seemingly running all the time.

    i did re enable onedrive to run at Windows start yesterday which in turn also seemed to add icon for office upload centre to system tray. Is it anything to do with that

    EDIT : I notice this is happening on our other machine too so it must be to do with the office 365 updates yesterday morning. Question is, is it normal to now run this at every boot/login and what does it do?

    After start seeing desktop icons flash-capture.jpgAfter start seeing desktop icons flash-capture2.jpg
    Last edited by Scottyboy99; 18 Aug 2016 at 00:50.
      My Computer


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