Windows 10, Start Menu problems, Virus, corrupted files

  1. Posts : 1
    Windows 10

    Windows 10, Start Menu problems, Virus, corrupted files

    Hey there, I have started having serious problems with my computer. It seems to have started this morning when all of a sudden my computer kept sort of refreshing explorer (the taskbar would disappear and reappear, etc.) so i decided it was time to run some scans, I ran Avast scan which found some minor detections, then i ran malwarebytes which found some more minor detections. I then downloaded adwcleaner which found some adware and hitmanpro found a bitcoin miner (issch.exe). First i let hitmanpro fix everything and then let adwcleaner fix the problems which causes a forced restart (really annoying), after this restart there was something about hitmanpro during the boot, no error message it just said hitmanpro v1... or something. then when i got to the log in screen it would not let me log in, everytime i restarted it gave me a different error msg when i tried to log in: wrong handle, cant connect to RSC servers or something, and so on. So i restored to hitmanpros checkpoint. after going through the above like 2 more times just in case i decided i would scan and remove the infected files/viruses manually which is what i have done.

    Apart from that my windows 10 is failing, shortcuts arent working and their icons are gone. shortcuts on the taskbar barely work. I read about restoring the icon cache but i dont see how that could fix the broken shortcuts. I also ran SFC scannow which found some corrupted files but couldnt fix them. I will attach the CBS.log

    CBS.log - Google Drive

    sorry for the long post but i just want to make sure you guys have the full picture, any help is appreciated. Thanks :)
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 3,502
    Win_8.1-Pro, Win_10.1607-Pro, Mint_17.3

    Please post the malware logs so members might advise any corrective action.

    Your CBS log looks like you need to repair your system files:

    But FIRST you need to clean up the malware on your machine. The logs will tell members more about the infections and what else might need to be done
      My Computer


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