Windows 10, Start Menu problems, Virus, corrupted files
Hey there, I have started having serious problems with my computer. It seems to have started this morning when all of a sudden my computer kept sort of refreshing explorer (the taskbar would disappear and reappear, etc.) so i decided it was time to run some scans, I ran Avast scan which found some minor detections, then i ran malwarebytes which found some more minor detections. I then downloaded adwcleaner which found some adware and hitmanpro found a bitcoin miner (issch.exe). First i let hitmanpro fix everything and then let adwcleaner fix the problems which causes a forced restart (really annoying), after this restart there was something about hitmanpro during the boot, no error message it just said hitmanpro v1... or something. then when i got to the log in screen it would not let me log in, everytime i restarted it gave me a different error msg when i tried to log in: wrong handle, cant connect to RSC servers or something, and so on. So i restored to hitmanpros checkpoint. after going through the above like 2 more times just in case i decided i would scan and remove the infected files/viruses manually which is what i have done.
Apart from that my windows 10 is failing, shortcuts arent working and their icons are gone. shortcuts on the taskbar barely work. I read about restoring the icon cache but i dont see how that could fix the broken shortcuts. I also ran SFC scannow which found some corrupted files but couldnt fix them. I will attach the CBS.log
CBS.log - Google Drive
sorry for the long post but i just want to make sure you guys have the full picture, any help is appreciated. Thanks :)