Black screen of death: Troubleshooting help?
Hi everyone,
I am having problems with a DELL 4200 and an eeePC 901, both of which occasionally just switch to a black screen while I'm working, so I eventually have to restart the computer and thereby lose all work that wasn't previously saved. HD indicator stays off whatever I push and press, so this is not just the display failing.
Obviously, both computers have little in common (different manufacturers, different hardware etc.). What they do have in common is:
- Windows 10 (32 bit version on one, 64 bit on the other)
- Samsung Evo 850 SSD drives
Apart from some common software, like Irfanview or Libre Office, which aren't really likely suspects imho, that's about it.
Does anyone have an idea how to troubleshoot this? If I had to guess, this is probably about some incompatibility with the Samsung drives. I've already learned that I can't use "sleep" with my Evo SSDs (sleep, as in: where the computer goes in low-energy mode but power stays on), as the system is likely to crash upon wakeup. Hibernation (where everything is saved to drive and the computer shuts down) seems to work, but the symptoms when the system eventually does crash randomly (?) are reminiscent of what I saw with sleep mode (although not the same), so maybe it doesn't work that well after all.
Unfortunatley, hibernation is quite important to me, so I'd hate to avoid using it for weeks or even months just to second-guess whether or not it is actually the culprit (current crashes aren't that frequent). So I was wondering if anyone has some more troubleshooting tips for me? Crash logs show nothing. Driver Verifier has already been used, but found nothing. Samsung Magician has been set to NOT start with Windows 10, but that didn't help.