build 10525
What do they mean build 10525?
How do I know what build I have?
If I don't have where do I get It?
Don Cole
What do they mean build 10525?
How do I know what build I have?
If I don't have where do I get It?
Don Cole
Hello Don,
The build number is for what build of Windows 10 you have installed. You can use the an option in the tutorial below to see what build you currently have installed.
The current build is 14393.10 that you can get via Windows Update.
Is the 14393 update the same as Windows 10 anniversary update?
Yes - different terminology for the same thing.
The Anniversary update is version 1607. The build number is 14393. You can see this in the "About Windows" box in the bottom right of @TairikuOkami picure above.
Can I get the 10535 build without getting the 14393?
I installed the 14393 build and removed it because I messed up my file locations and it added a bunch of tiles all over my screen that link to places and things I don't care about (like the weather).
Thanks for your response lx07,
Don Cole
I'm not aware of a 10535 build. There were insider builds 10525, 10532, 10547, and 10565 but no 10535 I don't think. Typo perhaps?
The last version of Windows 10 was version 1511 released in November last year (thus 1511 - it is 2 digits of year then 2 digits of the month). It was build 10586. The previous public release was build 10240 released in August last year.
I don't think there are any legitimate places to download old versions and MS will eventually upgrade you anyway. I think it would probably be easier and quicker to remove the tiles you don't like, reset your file locations etc. Hopefully (but I wouldn't count on it) the next upgrade (which will be sometime next year) will be a bit smoother.
Do you mean that people who in stalled Windows 10 after its release had white windows until the anniversary release?
Don Cole
If you were not a member of the Microsoft insiders program and installed Windows 10 before November last year you got build 10240. After November you got 10586 and now you would get 14393.
Once you have installed Windows (and assuming you connect to the internet) you get upgraded soon after the next release comes out. You can defer this upgrade (for up to 6 months I think) but you can't put it off indefinitely. At the moment everyone is being upgraded to 14393 so apart from people who have deferred the update, people who have hacked the system and people whose system won't upgrade for some unknown reason, everyone will be on 14393 soon. Quite how long "soon" is I'm not sure but days or weeks rather than months presumably. That's how I understand it is supposed to work anyway.
Thank you ix07 l will take all this under advisement.
I may try to go back Windows 8.1. Problem is I deleted all my 8.1 restore files to make room for the anniversary release.
Don Cole