Get to admin GUI while using Classic Shell
I am going crazy trying to get to an admin level graphical user interface so I
can change the "power" settings in Windows 10 in order to turn off fast boot. I
am running Classic Shell menu system, and it doesn't
recognize right-click to get to an admin level. (It does on some entries but not
the one I need!) I have been able to get to an admin terminal, but as you
probably know, nothing in a Windows terminal has the same
name as anything in the GUI. Is there a way to get back to a GUI menu from an
admin terminal? Alternatively, is there a command in the terminal that will turn off fast boot?
I need to turn off fast boot so I can connect to the Windows partition from
Linux. Otherwise, Linux thinks Windows is still running, and won't connect.
(Windows doesn't shut down everything when you shut off the power,
unless you turn off fast boot.)
Last edited by Brink; 31 Jul 2016 at 20:09. Reason: removed email address