after win 7/10 dual boot setup, computer now bricked?

  1. Posts : 5

    after win 7/10 dual boot setup, computer now bricked?

    I have a 3 1/2 year old HP business desktop with windows 7 pro on it. I finally bit the bullet today and decided to dual boot with win 10 pro. It went without a hitch. I created a 40gb partition on the hard drive and installed it to that. On initial boot up of win 10, then i was messing around with it, checking it out. after an hour or so, then i wanted back on win 7, so i restarted it. Upon restart, the monitor remains on standby and right after the dvd drive activates, then there's nothing. The hard drive activity light goes off completely and the only light still on is the power light on the front. After about 30 seconds to a minute,then the tower fan decides to start to ramp up until it sounds like a jet engine. I have seriously never heard it get that loud. I didn't think it was possible for a case fan to get that loud and fast. I immediately panicked and did a hard shut down (held down power button). I tried it a few more times and still does the same thing. I am lost at this point.

    If I access the hard drive through an external hard drive enclosure on another computer and remove the partition that has win 10 on it, will that make the hard drive back to how it was before i even messed with it for win 10? Does anyone know what could have happened or what I could do? Please please don't tell me that i'll have to re format back to like new .
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 5
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    I've already tried microsoft support chat and all I was told is that microsoft doesn't support dual boot and then the guy quite literally ended the chat session.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 18,476
    Windows 11 Pro

    I would use another computer to create a bootable USB flash drive or DVD of Kyhi's recovery drive:
    Windows 10 Recovery Tools - Bootable Rescue Disk - Windows 10 Forums

    Boot the computer from that and run Macrium Reflect Free. Under the restore menu is a utility to fix Windows boot problems. Run that utility.

    If you get back into Windows 10, turn off fast startup, that's probably what caused your problem:
    Fast Startup - Turn On or Off in Windows 10 - Windows 10 Forums
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 8,468
    windows 10

    Its hard to say without knowing what partitions you have as screen shot from diskmanger would help normally there would be a 100mb system partition that it boots from but we need to see whats set as active the type of disk be it mbr or gpt
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 5
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    ok, i found my system repair disc and put that in. As soon as the fan decided to ramp up to full speed, then i left it, while sweating. after about a minute at full speed, then windows 10 boot up screen came on and wanted me to choose between 7 and 10. It was at that point that the fan started to slow back down to normal speed. I chose 7 and then it went blank again for about 3 or 4 mins before windows 7 would start booting up. I dont know what the heck is it's deal, but when i decide to go back to 10, ill disable fast startup. I dont know what else to do, but I know that it probably shouldn't take it so long on bootup before doing anything. BTW, I am downloading the above mentioned recovery drive so that I have it.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 5
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    i'm messing around on win 7 and there are issues now with it like for example, the sidebar is missing and it says it's in use?!? also, if I click on the explorer folder icon on the start menu, it says that it's missing. I'm doing a sfc scan currently to see if that would fix anything. If i decide I dont want win 10, since it's on it's own partition, if i just remove the partition, will that fix it all? If not, what would be the best way to do that? Thanks!
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 18,476
    Windows 11 Pro

    niceguypmp3 said:
    If i decide I dont want win 10, since it's on it's own partition, if i just remove the partition, will that fix it all? If not, what would be the best way to do that? Thanks!
    That won't fix Windows 7. I would suggest this to fix Windows 7:
    Repair Install - Windows 7 Help Forums
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 5
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    thank you for that! I read through it and i definately will do that. I did go ahead and removed win 10 from msconfig/boot, restarted,then deleted the partition and restarted again, but win 7 is still messed up. the internet browser won't work, i can't check internet connection for problems, i can't use the desktop gadgets now, etc etc, so i am very hopeful that the link above will fix all of that! Again, thank you!
      My Computer


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