SSD Won't boot up, Windows might be corrupted.

  1. Posts : 3
    Windows 10

    SSD Won't boot up, Windows might be corrupted.


    I bought an SSD (Samsung 850 evo 500GB) and I've installed Windows 10 in it (I didn't clone it from another hard drive). At first, after the installation, I was able to log in and I started to install programs, getting my files in there, that sort of stuff. In that same day, about 10-20 minutes after the Windows isntalation was complete, it froze (Windows stoped responding, I couldn't properly shut down, not reboot) so I had to force the computer to shut down (by pressing the power button for a few seconds).

    After the "forced" shut down I tried rebooting it, but it didn't work, the screen stayed black untill, eventualy, there would be a message saying there was a Hardware or Software problem and I needed to repair Windows. I tried reparing it through the same process of the instalation (with a usb pen drive), but it didn't work, the SSD wasn't recognized anymore (sometimes no even in the Bios), because of that I cannot format, nor install Windows again. I even tried to run linux to try and format it, but it wasn't recognized.

    I'm not sure what the root of the problem is, it might be a problem with the SSD, but that is unlikely (since it was brand new), it might be my computer, since I don't have any other computers to test it with, but I dought it (because it works fine with the hard-drive it had prior), or it might be just that Windows is corrupted, but it doesn't seem like that would make it do that the SSD was not recugnized by the system.

    If anyone can help, I would be gratefull. And if any other details I might have left out are needed I will provide them.

    Thank you, o/.

    P.S. When the System recognizes the SSD (in the BIOS), it does recognize it as a Windows instalation.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 19,533
    W11+W11 Developer Insider + Linux

    I would recheck SSD mounting and connection, no way any OS would detect it (or any other drive) if BIOS doesn't. Unlikely but possible that there's some incompatibility.
      My Computers

  3. Posts : 3
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    I've already done it (before), that's not he problem. The SSD is, sometimes detected in the BIOS, and sometimes isn't (I'd say it is more often detacted than not), but it has never (after the isntalation of Windows) been sucefully detected by the windows installer.

    Thank you for replaying tho, I apreciate it!
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 19,533
    W11+W11 Developer Insider + Linux

    ClipEater said:
    I've already done it (before), that's not he problem. The SSD is, sometimes detected in the BIOS, and sometimes isn't (I'd say it is more often detacted than not), but it has never (after the isntalation of Windows) been sucefully detected by the windows installer.

    Thank you for replaying tho, I apreciate it!
    You could also check in which mode is SATA port, IDE or AHCI. AHCI is preferable for SSDs.
      My Computers

  5. Posts : 5,212
    Windows 11 Pro 64 Bit 22H2

    The SSD is, sometimes detected in the BIOS, and sometimes isn't....
    If your SSD is not detected in the Bios, then it will not be detected in Windows. Try a Different SATA cable, try a different power plug from the PSU, try a different SATA port on the motherboard.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 3
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    Thank you to everyone that replied trying to help me, you are deeply apreciated.

    I've found the problem, and it is now fixed, it turns out the SSD came with a factory defect with the controler.

    Once again, thank you!
      My Computer


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