additional (half-visible) keyboard layout keeps adding (winows 10)

  1. Posts : 4
    win 10

    additional (half-visible) keyboard layout keeps adding (winows 10)

    every time I press win+L, or resume from sleep mode (I guess reboot and hibernate modes are not affected) I'm getting and additional keyboard layout which is not visible in language switcher (till some moment).

    additional (half-visible) keyboard layout keeps adding (winows 10)-img_20160720_105708.jpgadditional (half-visible) keyboard layout keeps adding (winows 10)-screenshot_2.png

    In my case it's Ukrainian (enhanced), my brother has a pc on his job and for him it's some kind of Russian layout.
    This additional keyboard at first is visible only on lock screen, so to remove it I have to add it via "Language preferences" and then remove it. And this helps until I press win+L ...

    additional (half-visible) keyboard layout keeps adding (winows 10)-2.pngadditional (half-visible) keyboard layout keeps adding (winows 10)-3.png
    Can anybody tell me why does exactly this layout keeps adding all the time?

    I guess it's related to the locale which has been selected during installation, cause I tried to change it to Spanish for example but Ukrainian Enhanced keeps adding despite locale change (also spanish is added too)
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 7
    Windows 10

    I think it's related to the language and other regional parameters available in the login page, which may be different from the settings used within your personal account.

    With all other programs closed, configure your language and keyboard options as you like them. You might as well configure other regional parameters such as how numbers and dates are displayed to.

    Then visit this control panel page (I'm translating from a French Canadian system):
    Control panel\Clock, language and region\Language\Advanced Settings

    About 2 cm from the top, there is a blue line that says : Apply these linguistic parameters to the welcome screen, system accounts and new users.

    Open (twice) and click on the boxes to copy these settings in your welcome screen. Then OK everything.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 4
    win 10
    Thread Starter

    Thanks for reply, but I think I already have correct settings
    additional (half-visible) keyboard layout keeps adding (winows 10)-screenshot_1.png

    but the point is why the exact layout (at this case it Ukrainian Enhanced) keeps adding after welcome screen.

    I solved my issue with workaround, I just substituted the path for Ukr. Enhanced layout (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Keyboard Layouts)
    with the one I'd like to be for this language
    additional (half-visible) keyboard layout keeps adding (winows 10)-reg1.png

    so for system it's still Ukr.Enhanced and it doesn't have to add each time, but for me it's a layout I'd really like to use.

    I'd like to find where the mapping between language and default layout is, but for now it's the simplest solution.

    Nevertheless thanks for paying attention to my question.
      My Computer


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