Windows 10 Pro retail + downgrade rights

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  1. Posts : 9
    Linux Mint 18 x64 Cinnamon

    Windows 10 Pro retail + downgrade rights

    I am posting this because I have a problem that I can't seem to solve. So far it has cost me lots of $$$ and lots of time
    I was a Windows 10 Insider from 10/14 to 8/15
    I stopped being an Insider when I discovered certain things were going on with Windows 10 analyzing network traffic leaving my laptop even after I disabled all the telemetry that I could safely
    After this happened, I deleted Windows 10 from both my computers
    I left Windows 7 on both my computers and then all of a sudden starting a couple of months ago I had problems begin to manifest and so I reinstalled Windows 7 and couldn't get it to update. I then dumped Windows 7 on 1 computer and installed Linux on it and had a great setup creating a private network between Windows 7 and Linux.
    Then about a couple of weeks ago the same thing began to happen to my other laptop and after trying to clean install Windows 7 3 or more times it would never update. I knew from previous experience that downloading a couple hundred updates and installing them should not take more than an 1-2 hours.
    Fast forwarding I decided to purchase a Windows 10 Pro retail USB thinking I had downgrade rights using the retail key from Windows 10 . It turns out that MS treats those who pay full price can't downgrade period. The purpose of me even being here is that I want to know how to use my Windows 10 retail key to access TechBench to download a fresh copy of Windows 7 otherwise I wasted time and $ because one needs a retail key NOT OEM
    I know this is long winded to say the least but it seems to be the case that in order to to get me to upgrade MS is using all the tricks at its disposal to force upgrades which I will never do until 1/20

    Is there a way to solve this
    Thank you
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 18,476
    Windows 11 Pro
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 9
    Linux Mint 18 x64 Cinnamon
    Thread Starter

    Thank you for your response.

    I already know about that and in order to use that you need a retail key not OEM which is required to access the iso's available there.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 134
    windows 10

    Please go to this link
    Windows 7
    Put in your product Key and download it, Burn it on a CD or USB(prefrred) and install it.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 18,476
    Windows 11 Pro

    markedward88 said:
    Thank you for your response.

    I already know about that and in order to use that you need a retail key not OEM which is required to access the iso's available there.
    If you say so. It's not asking me for any product key to download Windows 7 Professional.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 9
    Linux Mint 18 x64 Cinnamon
    Thread Starter

    manish9009 said:
    Please go to this link
    Windows 7
    Put in your product Key and download it, Burn it on a CD or USB(prefrred) and install it.
    Thank you for your response.

    I tried that too; but there you also need a retail key not OEM

    I also bookmarked that page along with all the others that I found

    The problem overall is one needs a RETAIL key not OEM hence my idea to purchase a retail Windows 10 Pro USB
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 9
    Linux Mint 18 x64 Cinnamon
    Thread Starter

    markedward88 said:
    Thank you for your response.

    I tried that too; but there you also need a retail key not OEM

    I also bookmarked that page along with all the others that I found

    The problem overall is one needs a RETAIL key not OEM hence my idea to purchase a retail Windows 10 Pro USB
    i just tried entering both my keys and got an error message saying that that I needed to contact OEM
    One of the positive experiences of being an insider is that I learned how to do clean installs from iso's and esd's
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 15,866

    Use link marked techbench iso downloader several posts down dated 21st Oct 2015. It 100% certainly allows you to download a windows 7 iso WITHOUT entering a key.

    Windows 10 Recovery Tools - Bootable Rescue Disk - Windows 10 Forums
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 15,866

    markedward88 said:
    Thank you for your response.

    I already know about that and in order to use that you need a retail key not OEM which is required to access the iso's available there.
    It seems to me you have not tried this link ie you assumed it is the MS site link- it is same as link I refer to in previous post.

    This downloader is clever enough to get round the MS oem restriction to download the isos.
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 928
    Win 10

    "Then about a couple of weeks ago the same thing began to happen to my other laptop and after trying to clean install Windows 7 3 or more times it would never update. I knew from previous experience that downloading a couple hundred updates and installing them should not take more than an 1-2 hours."

    It does nowadays unless you jump through hoops.
      My Computers


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