Unable to edit Hosts file, UAC Off

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  1. Posts : 53
    Windows 10 Edu

    Unable to edit Hosts file, UAC Off

    Hello, I am unable to edit root/system32/drivers/etc/hosts, even with UAC set to "Never Notify". I get access denied errors of different flavors when I attempt to make a new hosts file and replace it, attempt to edit the original and save over... none of my shenanigans appear to work.

    I am the only account (administrator) on this Windows 10 Pro installation.

    What is the deal here, am I missing something?
    Last edited by Culbrelai; 19 Jul 2016 at 01:22.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 1,092
    Win 10 Pro x64

    Welcome to the forum,

    Have you tried running notepad as admin?

    Unable to edit Hosts file, UAC Off-2016-07-18_23h18_48.png

    Then navigating to the hosts file,

    Unable to edit Hosts file, UAC Off-2016-07-18_23h21_34.png

    Edit away...

    Unable to edit Hosts file, UAC Off-2016-07-18_23h22_42.png
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 15,227
    Windows 10 IoT

    Have you tried doing it with UAC on, set to its default setting?
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 1,254
    Windows 10 Pro

    Unlike in Windows 7 the Windows 10 GUI method does not fully disable UAC or grant you full time Admin rights. There is a registry setting that will do this but it's use is not recommended. You would find that many things will not work in this mode and security would be compromised. I will not go into that.

    The supported way to edit the hosts file is to run notepad as administrator.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 53
    Windows 10 Edu
    Thread Starter

    derekimo said:
    Welcome to the forum,

    Have you tried running notepad as admin?

    Unable to edit Hosts file, UAC Off-2016-07-18_23h18_48.png

    Then navigating to the hosts file,

    Unable to edit Hosts file, UAC Off-2016-07-18_23h21_34.png

    Edit away...

    Unable to edit Hosts file, UAC Off-2016-07-18_23h22_42.png
    Run as administrator? But I am the administrator. I have to do an extra click for no reason every time I want to run something?

    Makes no sense.

    It works, although I'll have to manually browse to a file every time? Is there no way to run as admin from the right click open with context menu?

    Unlike in Windows 7 the Windows 10 GUI method does not fully disable UAC or grant you full time Admin rights. There is a registry setting that will do this but it's use is not recommended. You would find that many things will not work in this mode and security would be compromised. I will not go into that.

    The supported way to edit the hosts file is to run notepad as administrator.
    Windows XP had full time admin rights (for an "administrator" account, go figure! revolutionary!) , which I ran for nearly 15 years with no issues, no UAC nonsense. What "many things" will not work?
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 1,254
    Windows 10 Pro

    The purpose of UAC is to enhance security.

    In XP and older an Admin account had full rights all the time. That was convenient, but not very secure.
    The problem is that by default all programs you run have the same rights and priveleges you do. If that program happens to be malicious (and this is very hard to prevent) you have a problem. It will be able to do pretty much anything it wants. That is bad. When XP was released in 2001 that was an acceptable risk. In 2016 it is not.

    Starting with Vista an Admin account has by default only the rights of a standard user. When running that malicious program it will have only the rights of a standard user and be limited in what it can do. That is good. By using UAC such an account can temporarily be given the full admin rights.

    Long standing best practice is to run with only the minimum rights needed to do the job. That recommendation was in effect long before XP. UAC makes this easier.

    Windows 10 was not designed to run with a full time admin account. Among other things none of the modern apps will run. This is by design.
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 53
    Windows 10 Edu
    Thread Starter

    When XP was released in 2001 that was an acceptable risk. In 2016 it is not.
    Certainly this should be up to the consumer to decide? Instead of surreptitiously neutering the UAC off switch and taking away freedom of choice like some sort of 1984 ministry.

    Among other things none of the modern apps will run. This is by design.
    The Windows 8 apps that I deleted from the start menu the day I got Windows 10?

    What else won't work, or is it just those? Nothing critical? I can live without those, as they are merely dumbed down versions of the actual desktop programs.
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 3,257
    Windows 10 Pro

    The Settings app, which is quite important to managing your computer will not run if UAC is turned off.

    Culbrelai said:
    Certainly this should be up to the consumer to decide? Instead of surreptitiously neutering the UAC off switch and taking away freedom of choice like some sort of 1984 ministry.
    The problem is that security is tough to do when you only have one way of doing it. It's impossible to do if you are required to support insecure situations as well.

    Essentially you're asking to have two doors to your home. One with a lock, and one without. That basically makes the locked door useless and pointless.

    If Microsoft were to make security optional, then there would be no security for anyone.
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 15,227
    Windows 10 IoT

    You are a member of the Administrators group, that's all. You are not "The administrator", those days are gone. You are still subject to UAC prompts for security purposes. I can count on one hand the number of times I have had to actually use the "run as admin" option. Not very often. In some cases yes, but its not something most will have to do very often. There is a full system administrator account but its hidden, and not good practice to use as your every day login account.
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 53
    Windows 10 Edu
    Thread Starter

    This settings app? Note, this was after the required restart to actually turn off UAC as-per guide I found, just like Windows 7 when it was required when you turned the slider all the way down. Back when off meant off... It's important to me because I routinely edit things in Program Files and other "Protected" areas, and Windows doesn't seem to let you with UAC on, even at "never notify"

    You are a member of the Administrators group, that's all. You are not "The administrator", those days are gone.
    Ugh, I should've stayed with XP.

    There is a full system administrator account but its hidden, and not good practice to use as your every day login account.
    Oh reallllly? Very interesting.
    Last edited by Culbrelai; 24 Jul 2016 at 03:07.
      My Computer


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