No touch keyboard
I have a windows tablet which I perhaps unwisely upgraded from Win7 to Win10. Actually Win10 is working just fine except for one problem. The touch keyboard which was in my Win7 system tray is no longer available. Win10 has an icon in the system tray which looks nearly identical and in fact when I hover over it is says "touch keyboard", but inexplicably it brings up a tool for hand writing input (which doesn't work that well for me). I can switch it to displaying a keyboard but this takes two extra clicks, the first to click on the input method button, and the 2nd to actually select the keyboard. I thought I could live with two extra clicks every time I needed the keyboard, but after opening the keyboard hundreds of times over the last month, I conclude that this is just not workable. I don't understand ... aren't there any tablets shipping with win10? I have looked for ways to make the keyboard come up right away, but it doesn't seem possible. It may not be too late for me to revert to win7 ... but is there any less drastic methods to getting my old win7 keyboard icon back?