Continual unscheduled restarts
Good morning,
I have a laptop that has a habit of shutting down unexpectedly. The looked through thousands of lines in the Event Viewer logs and I see that just prior to the shutdowns I see this message:
Task Scheduler service found a misconfiguration in the NT TASK\P4G Sidebar definition. Additional Data: Error Value: C:\Program Files\Windows Sidebar\sidebar.exe.
Has anyone had, or know of, Sidebar issues (I don't use it) that have caused continual shutdowns like this?
Other frequent messages before unexpected shutdowns include log entries like the following:
Task Scheduler service found a misconfiguration in the NT TASK\Microsoft\Windows\Media Center\ConfigureInternetTimeService definition. Additional Data: Error Value: %SystemRoot%\ehome\ehPrivJob.exe.
The common thing I see in these errors is their relation to "Media Center."
Any thoughts?