Left and right click drag, 1 sec delay for action

  1. Posts : 5
    Windows 10

    Left and right click drag, 1 sec delay for action

    I had this issue and ended up reinstalling Win10 last week so not sure what the trigger is.
    If I left click or right click and drag anything, the icon doesnt respond for 1 sec.
    The mouse cursor moves fine, no lag.
    Example, I left click and drag a desktop folder a few spots over and release. the mouse cursor clicks on the folder, the cursor moves over. and about 1 second from when I left clicked, the folder will appear where I released it.
    If I left click the folder, drag it over, but hold left click, then the folder will appear under the cursor and I can move it around like normal.
    If I right click and drag a folder and release it takes about 1 sec for the context menu to show up.
    Just right clicking brings up the context menu instantly.
    This isnt restricted to the desktop. This is any icon, in any folder. Drag/drop to same folder, different folders or even across drives, it makes no difference.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 5,170
    64bit Win 10 Pro ver 21H2

    Hello :)

    Can you run Task Manager at the same time as you are doing this and see which processes are using CPU, memory and disk resources as you perform the click and drag. Hopefully this will give you a clue, it may be an anti-virus program is working or something monitoring your files.
      My Computers


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